A long time ago in another incarnation I had a husband that was the preverbial pig. But when we married we made a pact together....No matter what we would watch over the other. When things went bad, he went to war and turned on me and his son and his daughter and even married another. In the end I had my revenge when I knew he was going to be assasinated the day of his daughter's wedding...........I knew by rumor and by my heart he would die that day...............And I let it happen and even layed a crown on the head of the assassin after he was caught and killed immediately. Not nice to say the least. Not to excuss my own actions but how many times did he, in war, when killing an ememy, envisioned my face.
So what would happen in subseqent lives between these two ancient souls when they war and turn their backs on a pact made in the name of Dionysus. I think there would always be emnity between them until the wrongs was righted.
Why would it be important to reverse what I did? Cause the ring of 13 years I wear............Was my wedding ring to the King of Maecedon. Death came so swiftly to him, but not quick enough. He layed dying in a pool of his own blood when his daughter, Cleopatra, who was to be married that day, came running out to his side. Philip spread his venom to his child requesting with his dying breath that she avenge his death, citing Olympias and Alexander as being at fault.
Being schooled well by her mother she learned all her arts and when the time came she clouded Alexander's mind and turned him on is mother and when Olympias went to save Roxanne and her grandson from Cassander, Cleopatra feigned illness and didn't go with her to Pydna. But promised she would come when she was well with the fleet...........and she never did.
This poison ran centuries between mother and daughter. It never had to be, because a child's mind was twisted, and she believed what was untrue and took the side of the unjust.