Wednesday, March 23, 2011

RIP Cleopatra

Not Unexpected  considering the curse misnamed The Curse of Cleopatra when the origin came from The Antipaters, who systemically sought to wipe  out the whole line of  Alexander the Great.....Liz would  be included eventually.

RIP Elizabeth  Taylor

February 27, 1932 -March 23, 2011

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Julie's Twitter?

This is way too funny. There seems to be a fake Julie Andrews on Twitter....Or is it? I watch those idiot forums of her's. One doesn't even know about it and the other one knows about it and locked the topic and erases any mention of it outside of the locked one. Yep sweet pea I caught that before you erased it. You see it seems that, Julie's daughter, Emma, has a locked Twitter  account. You have to ask to join. 'Not Julie Andrews' asked her to let her in......and guess  what....Emma did. It kinda makes me think that NOT may NOT be all she's NOT. 

Hey if you get the time check out 'NotJulieAndrews' at

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Mocking Marilyn

It looks like Mocking Marilyn was a bad idea. Jane Russell up and died yesterday. The day after James Franco dress up like a fool.

But it seem Jane started to turn bad a couple of weeks ago............When, you know who, got a lifetime Grammy.

Jane Russell
6/21/1921 - 2/28/2011