I woke up from a dream with me and Anne Hathaway this morning I heard her say, "You don't have luck" and I woke up immediatley then.
I was in a rush to get going this morning and wasted too much time as usual and hurried to give out the bread treats to all my little ones. First the Ratties, then the Budgies, then the Teils , then on to the Gerbies and my mini Hammies and then down to Eliza....She was my Teddy Bear Hamster. She was dead as a door nail. I had to go so she had to stay in her cage til I got back to burry her.
What had happened? She died messing with a power she couldn't control. She still had the extention cord in her mouth, that she drug into the cage and wrapped it around her body, and chewed away happily til ZAP!
****This is not Eliza. I never got a picture of her, since I have a cheap digital camera and trying to get a picture a a small little life in motion doesn't work well. This a an Eliza clone from the web, but she was lighter and fatter.
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