So my friend Zahi Hawass and his newest helper a girl from the Dominican Republic is digging around looking for Anthony and Cleopatra. I had some interesting people drop dead cause of it. It was commonly assumed that Cleo and her 2 hand maidens, Iras and Charmion, killed themselves out of grief or out of fear of being drug back to Rome. Neither being true. It seems the story and I do mean story was formed by Octavian. He was the driving force behind the murder of Caesar...So what would stop him from further eliminating his enemies that would keep him from the throne of Rome. As we all know it was said Cleopatra killed herself with the bite of an asp, hidden in a basket of figs she ordered. I believe that, yes, there was an asp and Octavian knew this. BUT the serpent was the protector of Isis, whom Cleopatra was considered the earthly embodiment of. To order a snake to be secreted into the basket was not a bid to exit this realm but to protect her and her handmaidens. After all no one was left to help her since, as the story goes, Marc Anthony killed himself on his sword after hearing Cleo was dead. Supposedly was told to him at her orders. Again an enemy had fallen out of Octavian's way......I contest that the premature story of Cleopatra's demise was invented by Octavian. But did he fall on his sword Or was he murdered? Marc Anthony is gone.......One more left. On orders by Octavian the figs were poisoned. Cleopatra completely unaware of this shared them with her handmaidens, her friends.
The minute everyone was out of the way, Octavian gave the orders to have Caesar's son by Cleopatra, Caearion murdered. This was part of recorded history. So the above scenario is not beyond belief.
So what would millenniums of a lie produce energy wise? What would happen once the energies trapped in the tombs of Tapisosiris would see the light of day? Granted the spirits of the maligned do not haunt the area. Once Octavian murdered everyone to gain his power, they went to to different lifetimes. Unfortunately with no memories of what happened to them.
Now Dr. Hawass is tampering into the eternal library of astral memories trapped there. There are those who thought that Octavian would not have buried them with any accord to their rank, and thought he would have just as likely to have dumped them into a hole somewhere is quite wrong. He knew Cleopatra/Isis' status and knew to desecrate them would have brought the wrath of the gods on him, as well as the wrath of the egyptian people, whom he did not want anymore trouble out of, decided to bury them with honors. That was mistake 1. Mistake 2 was to steal the ring of the Queen from her icy hand. The ring Julius Caesar gave her. This was the marker that always came back to her in subsequent lifetimes.
Those who were murdered August 12, 30 BC, produced the following numerically significant array. The date totaled out to 5...A number of protection.....of witches...of the pentagram.....A 5 for each...5---5---5...That makes 15. That makes the Devil card. The three women were like sisters. Octavian gave her handmaidens a burial near their Queen.....Mistake 3. Once the tomb is opened the truth will be known.
So many questions....So many truths......BUT....Most importantly of all....Who wears the ring of the Queen?
UPDATE 1: The first born son of the first born son dies in Egypt when the Dark Prince is in Jerusalem.....Very Biblical....and even worse Caesarion was the first born son of the first born son. He's buried there at the temple with his mother also. This will not be pretty!.....Dig my friend dig!
UPDATE 2: A changer of sex and a mocker of old drops dead. Again someone who did a spoof of Cleopatra on the stage is gone. Oh well. And his birthday was the date of my spiritual godfather. His step Grandfather directed the very first Cleopatra movie.
UPDATE 3: Ooops there goes another first born son of a first born son. As the Dark Prince dances over to Egypt and cavorts in the Pyramids found was the first born son of an acting dynasty, dead in a closet in Bangkok. The Father had made two Cleopatra movies. Ouch!...Seee my poll on the old guy. We have dumb asses on IMBD.COM who swear it was NOT murder. But then they aren't the brightest bunch on the web either.
Update 4: What birdie sounds Like Pharaoh....And so a brother dies of Rosmary.
Update 5: Could a Pharah be a female Pharaoh.....An angel dies on the same day as a Dark Prince dies. One who would be king....."Remember The Time". That morning a sister remembers a sister. The same day a digger publishes a story on the Serapis Bulls of the Ptolmies.
Just how close is Hawass to finding Cleo's Tomb? Maybe closer than we all know.
Update 6: The Dark Prince shakes hands with the Vicar of Rome soon the vicar falls----Blessings can only be given by the left hand of God....and Demeter dies.
Update 7: Dalamations, Directors and DeVilles....Oh My!----What's the secret to her power? I was Putting It Together the night before.
Update 8: And The Viccar of Rome prays for the Lady of Camelot and she dies anyway....There's one left old Mr 2/22 himself.....And then there was none.
Update 9: Boy finally get something right and a strummer drops on that date. Looks like the Bernice thing was right on the money. I wonder how much more of that post is right too?
Update 10: She played Calpernia in a Studio One rendition of Julius Caesar...and she dropped on the same date as the strummer.....The date Cleo laid down her life to curse Rome.
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