Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sobek Has A Snack

It seems a Dalmatian got attacked in a Hanna Park in Jacksonville, FL1` over the weekend Why am I covering it? Because it seems that on occasion I would dream of walking among Alligators/Crocodiles unharmed. This as I would discover was a protective omen accorded to Pharaohs. But what is also fascinating is that there were two centers for the worship of Crocodiles, that was Kom Ombo which the picture is from it's temple and Crocodiliopolis. Which was renamed....By a Ptolemy....Arsinoe. I didn't include a picture of that center because ll that is left is an obelisque.

Kom Ombo was built, as it seems a good deal of Egypt, by the Ptolemies. And what they didn't build they restored. They reigned for over 300 years, but when you think of it, it was an amazing feat that they got so much done in that amount of time.

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