Sunday, April 3, 2011

1-2-3 and Zsa Zsa Ain't One

The Cleopatra Curse--aka The Antipater Curse took three more....Jane Russell--Elizabeth Taylor & Farley Granger. All had a Cleo Connection. We know how Liz was included--But how was the other two connected? Make your guesses in comments.

As for Zsa Zsa...well she doesn't make the cut (no pun intended) for this. Even though we have some sicko trying to do a half asses hit by using her name in conjunction with another well known Cleopatra actress Twitter check out @ .....Is someone trying
to get rid of her before she uses up all the money they wish to inherit? Or maybe they want to make her a sacrifice to the gods? Or maybe someone who actually was pictured with Liz wants to shake off her junk onto some poor old one legged lady.....

Really it is so sad when someone doesn't know how to do the hoodoo after having been at it waaaay toooo long. Try clicking you're hooves together 3 times and chant....There's no place like Rome.

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