Sunday, April 3, 2011

1-2-3 and Zsa Zsa Ain't One

The Cleopatra Curse--aka The Antipater Curse took three more....Jane Russell--Elizabeth Taylor & Farley Granger. All had a Cleo Connection. We know how Liz was included--But how was the other two connected? Make your guesses in comments.

As for Zsa Zsa...well she doesn't make the cut (no pun intended) for this. Even though we have some sicko trying to do a half asses hit by using her name in conjunction with another well known Cleopatra actress Twitter check out @ .....Is someone trying
to get rid of her before she uses up all the money they wish to inherit? Or maybe they want to make her a sacrifice to the gods? Or maybe someone who actually was pictured with Liz wants to shake off her junk onto some poor old one legged lady.....

Really it is so sad when someone doesn't know how to do the hoodoo after having been at it waaaay toooo long. Try clicking you're hooves together 3 times and chant....There's no place like Rome.

Angelina The Malificent

Angelina Jolie could soon play a famous Disney villain on the big screen. The actress is in talks to assume the role of Maleficent, the wicked fairy godmother, in a live-action remake of Sleeping Beauty to be directed by Tim Burton.

Both Tim Burton and Angelina Jolie had been rumored last spring to join Disney’s project, which has been kicking around for a while as a way to mine its library, among other things. Burton’s involvement remains unclear as he is contemplating several projects. But rumors are getting a little bit loud that Jolie is keen on the film and would like to sign on to play the titular villain.

Though, there’s no deal yet and Disney is declining to comment. But this idea of taking on a role that’s both live-action and actor-friendly, still whimsical and delicate, could mark a refreshing change for Angelina. What do you think? It would be quite interesting to see hot Angelina in a playing the wicked witch of Disney!!

angelina jolieMaleficent Witch

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

RIP Cleopatra

Not Unexpected  considering the curse misnamed The Curse of Cleopatra when the origin came from The Antipaters, who systemically sought to wipe  out the whole line of  Alexander the Great.....Liz would  be included eventually.

RIP Elizabeth  Taylor

February 27, 1932 -March 23, 2011

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Julie's Twitter?

This is way too funny. There seems to be a fake Julie Andrews on Twitter....Or is it? I watch those idiot forums of her's. One doesn't even know about it and the other one knows about it and locked the topic and erases any mention of it outside of the locked one. Yep sweet pea I caught that before you erased it. You see it seems that, Julie's daughter, Emma, has a locked Twitter  account. You have to ask to join. 'Not Julie Andrews' asked her to let her in......and guess  what....Emma did. It kinda makes me think that NOT may NOT be all she's NOT. 

Hey if you get the time check out 'NotJulieAndrews' at

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Mocking Marilyn

It looks like Mocking Marilyn was a bad idea. Jane Russell up and died yesterday. The day after James Franco dress up like a fool.

But it seem Jane started to turn bad a couple of weeks ago............When, you know who, got a lifetime Grammy.

Jane Russell
6/21/1921 - 2/28/2011

Monday, February 28, 2011

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Solar Flares - So Interesting

Solar flares are such an interesting thing. They predict in 2012 there will be flares as strong as they were in 1958 (the year I was born). Back then, they did not rely on all this cellular/wifi shit. Could we all be so blessed that all that Cr-Apple junqe and other brain cell killing devices might not work......I hope!

Alexander Rising

I made a bit of an adjustment at Alexander Rising about what happened to Alexander and Olympias. Yes Olympias sent a spirit to stop Alexander's attack on her, but it had a mind of it's own and took his worse fault, his drinking to stop him, which irregardless of the outcome, it did stop him permanently. Which Olympias never wanted....She just wanted him to stop.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Rattling Bones

It ended in old Babylon for Alexander. Two Millenium later civil unrest in Egypt rages on. First they bombed a Coptic church in Alexandria then a few weeks later violence has hit Cairo.

I said last year on my other blog Alexander Rising that I knew where Alexander is buried. I didn't say where so my little digger friend wouldn't go snooping around. But I think it's fair to say that something may get out without his help.

Alexander IS buried under a Coptic Church in Cairo------Which One? You must be kidding if you think I will tell. I have nothing to profit with this knowledge, but you have everything to lose if you find him.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

RIP LaLane

I met Jack Lalane years ago at one of his promos at some gym. My mother wanted to go. She watched his show religiously when I was a kid and I was woken up every morning to his yapping...'One Two Three Four...."

RIP   Sept  26, 1914  ---  Jan 23, 2011

You know one thing I noticed how much Regis Philbin Reminds me Of Jack. Both short and noisy.
And right after Regis made a comment on all the press about his retiring was like seeing his own obituary....Deja Pew!





Sunday, January 23, 2011

The End of The World :)

It's so hard to keep up with you Fruit Flakes...We have another Looney Bucha Christians looking for the End of the World. We now have an upgrade to May 21st 2011..........Oh just Shut Up!

But then all those were doves dying..........Oh well!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Silence Of The Doves

It seems to be a sign of the times, masses amounts of birds are dying since the new year. In fact thousands of turtle doves, a sign of love, died over Italy. Has humanity's self hatred spurred this terrible event?

You can explain it way and ignore it, but why not straighten up your act instead. What are you gonna do when the animal kingdom starts to fight back?

Hoodoo U

Hi...Welcome to Hoodoo U. Where you will learn what you can and cannot do.

So you thought contacting the dead was a fun past time? Ouija Boards and trances and all. And now you're having problems around the house. Things are 'really' going bump in the night now. Well, stupid, you opened a portal. You tried to contact the dearly departed and now they won't go away. What do you do? Call Ghostbusters? They won't help. How about a Priest? Naw.

So what can you do? Well you can throw away the implement you used that started this. You can throw away everything, images too, of the person you called up. You can get rid of all your electronic devices that they are drawn to and can use.


We are assuming they are who they say they are. You see my little chimpie you could have called up ANY spirit and they are masquerading as your long lost loved one. Then in that case, since you let them in.....Forget it. They are there till they get board with you.

You might take into account that there are millions of you little monkey's doing this same stuff and they have thinned the veil that separates the spirit and the physical worlds....And sweeties there are nasty things over there that rival anything Hollywood could come up with....And you have done it to yourselves....Oh well!