Friday, June 27, 2008

Ooops It Happened Again!

Well, it happened again....It seems that the producer of The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus dropped dead Saturday on the Summer Solstice. This is not a very lucky project. First Heath Ledger croaks then William Vince dies.

Could it be because of this etching?
It's of a very nefarious person in history and there seems to be a vague resemblance to Dr. Parnassus...Don't you think?

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

La Fille Du Voisin

When those who write of La Voisin, they pass over the step daughter, that is other than going over the declarations she made the day after they burned her mommy dearest alive at the stake. She described the horrors that went on right under Louis XIV's nose, that sent their perverted little lives reeling. Some think that she was telling on her La Voisin, but like her step mother, who ripped the veil on the bourgeoisie asunder, before they killed her, Marie was taking the masks off of the freaks of high society and the church, showing the world what they were for real, the same freaks that paid Catherine Deshayes to do abhorrent things for them...The same freaks that destroyed her to cover their sins.

Some of the stories go, that Marie-Marguerite Monvoisin was Catherine DeShayes daughter, through her marriage to Antoine Monvoisin. This is not true. Antoine had been married before and had two beautiful daughters, Marie-Marguerite and Marie-Madeleine. Madeleine had married and moved out just as Catherine moved in with her brood from a previous marriage. Marguerite the younger witnessed the horrors of monster her father married. She moved in on him like a buzzard on carrion, when her mother had died. Some say she either poisoned her directly or had her poisoned.
Why? There are some powers that with degraded behaviors, as La Voisin took relish in acting out on, that one loses. She despite all her blood letting had not learned that for every innocent life she took, she lost more and more of her powers. Eventually become a fat disgusting parody of herself soaking in the blood of the babies lives she took.
But again...Why kill Antoine's wife? She was a witch with a power piece that she lusted after. She perceived the only way to get it was to get rid of her and marry him and she thought the way to the item would be free and clear. But not so. Marguerite's mother requested on her death bed that when Marguerite turned 13 that he give it too her and told her never to take it off...That it would protect her. And so he did, much to the consternation of Catherine...So she set off to poison him also....REPEATEDLY. But the family knew what she was doing and always gave him the antidote.
I always wondered if these two reincarnated. Who would they be?

There would be some major criteria to meet.

Catherine would be the one in the limelight...Very much the celebrity. She would gather cronies, like a dog gathers fleas, much like herself, yet inferior, power wise and morality wise, around her......Just like before. They have no interest in her other than what they can get from her.....She would take on the powers of 666.... in every lifetime. She would be deadly afraid of Fire, since she was burned at the stake.

Marie on the other hand would be fearless. After the trials were over, she was shipped off to an island off the coast of Brittany, Belle-Ile-en-Mer, on the Bay of Biscayne. This surprised her since Louis had promised her freedom. The truth was that he needed to know if she knew his secrets too, since she knew everything else, so she was sent off with 3 of her Mother's coven sisters, La Pellettier, La Poulain and La Delaporte. They died in prison...........Marie-Marguerite had been rescued from the situation by her older sister. And lived and loved a full rich life with 2 husbands and 7 kids. But because La Voisin coveted what was not hers and killed her family, she would have the powers of 666 as well. When someone does evil to an innocent, that person will gain that power too.

If the two women came together and knew of their past.....Could they get along and make peace finally? Or would the same avarice that drove La Voisin to her death consume her in every lifetime. And the Shadow Queen would forever hide in the shadows of others.

James Garner & Dead Bunnies

A message to the girls on Julie Andrews Online:
James Garner had a stroke early in May. It was reported as minor. But no stroke is minor. Get A Clue....They kept him hospitalized for 3 weeks. If it wasn't serious they wouldn't keep him that long.

Speaking of strokes or better said seizures.....I had 3 bunnies. The first 2 were brothers, Xander and Xanadu. I woke up from a projective dream with Julie in it. I got up and found Xanadu in the bathroom having a seizure...He was dead an hour later. Xander was alone so I got him a friend Zachery. Zach looked alot like Xanadu, both were brown and white Dutch Bunnies. Last week I have another one of those dreams with Julie in it. There were also several other people who I didn't know in it. I wake up and Zach was having a seizure and he died an hour later. Just like Xanadu did.

Xander had died a few weeks earlier. He got a scratch on his ear and it poisoned his system I guess and he left this earth...Without Julie's help.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Tiffany's Breakfast---of Souls

It seems that the actor, Mel Ferrer, dropped dead yesterday. There's alot of that going around lately.

Mel was married to Audrey Hepburn when she did Blake Edwards'--Breakfast At Tiffany's.

They say that the soul of a bird ferries the damned to hell. Since little Tiffany's eyes were barely open, it seems that her aim is a bit off for the one who should be going to hell.

Interesting sideline to this descendant. He played King Aurthur in The Knight of The Round Table in 1953. The same year he was in the movie Lili. This one movie was responsible for a 10 year old to reenact her death in 1951. What caused it? Her husband had appeared in it also, wear the ID bracelet she gave him on their wedding day.....Who was I you ask?.........None of your F'n business?

The Order of The Black Sunflower

You've never heard of The Order of The Black Sunflower?
L'Ordre Du Tournesol Noir

La Voisin Did.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Got Burned?

Wow! Today was a busy day.

June 1 2008

Universal Studios goes up in flames.

Yves Saint Laurant drops dead in Paris as the studio burns.

And the tie ins from Hell are....Universal Studios was my old studio when I lived a lifetime as Maria Montez. Today is what I call My Birthday Minus Zero. In this lifetime.....I wonder how close the fire was to the Pool of Midnight?

Yves link to Hell was that he was costume designer on both, the first Pink Panther movie and another one...Notre Dame de Paris....This is where La Voisin was drug to confess to a priest her sins to God, before humanity burned her at the stake. She did not confess but cursed God and all concerned.

A few other Hellish contenders from last month was as follows:

Thursday May 15th--Bob Florence and Alexander Courage both orchestrator for Julie Andrews.

Thursday May 22--I think we are missing someone here. Will update when information becomes available..I can't imagine that this date was skipped even if there were two for the prior Thursday.

Thursday May 29th--Harvey Korman croaks...he was in 2 of Blake Edwards' Pink Panther movies...How 'bout that!

Now why is Thurday so important for the not so merry month of May???...Cause a sweet bird baby, named Tiffany, died violently on a Thursday May 8th.