Wednesday, June 25, 2008

James Garner & Dead Bunnies

A message to the girls on Julie Andrews Online:
James Garner had a stroke early in May. It was reported as minor. But no stroke is minor. Get A Clue....They kept him hospitalized for 3 weeks. If it wasn't serious they wouldn't keep him that long.

Speaking of strokes or better said seizures.....I had 3 bunnies. The first 2 were brothers, Xander and Xanadu. I woke up from a projective dream with Julie in it. I got up and found Xanadu in the bathroom having a seizure...He was dead an hour later. Xander was alone so I got him a friend Zachery. Zach looked alot like Xanadu, both were brown and white Dutch Bunnies. Last week I have another one of those dreams with Julie in it. There were also several other people who I didn't know in it. I wake up and Zach was having a seizure and he died an hour later. Just like Xanadu did.

Xander had died a few weeks earlier. He got a scratch on his ear and it poisoned his system I guess and he left this earth...Without Julie's help.

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