Just a thought. Roadrunner Transit in Las Cruces, New Mexico, claimed they needed a fare rate hike when the gas prices hit almost $5.00. They went ahead with it. Now that the gas prices are approximately $1.50...Why do the segment of society that can't afford to pay more, have to shoulder an unfair rate???
There were no improvement of services. The buses still run slow. It takes the average of an hour to get anywhere in town. There still are not enough stops. Many of the drivers are sullen, etc, etc, etc.
So what's the deal here?
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
More Bad Manors
It seems that there was another crumby property here too. I missed looking at that one. But here's a review of Copper Ridge.
I moved into CopperRidge about 5 years ago. When I first moved in it was a medium priced halfway decent apartment complex.
Over the years CopperRidge owners have put NOTHING into maintaining the property. There are decorational walls on the property that are crumbled and in disrepair. The sidewalks are crumbling in places and sinking into the earth in others. The complex is now rundown looking, and the cheap fixtures inside the apartments are starting to come apart under the years of highly mineralized water.
There is a 50/50 chance of successfully washing one's clothes in the laundromat. The dryers take 2, sometimes 3 cycles to dry small loads. Complaints to the rarely present landy result in no action and no refunds for lost money.
The landlady Lupe is rarely present. It seems she only shows up the first week of the month to collect rent, and maybe an hour a day the rest of the time.
If you want to rent an apartment in Las Cruces I highly recommend you move into another place. CopperRidge is currently falling apart and the people who built it do not care, as long as they keep getting paid. Take my advice and move to one of the other apartments on Roadrunner Parkway.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Kitt Dies
I'm not talking about the car. Dummies!... But Eartha Kitt the second Catwoman in the Batman series. Also she did the voice of Yzma in Disney's Emperor's New School. Last episode she ever did was 'A Giftmas Story' . Now isn't that fitting. Since she died Xmas morning.
I always mused that if another Disney old rip died how sweet it would be if it would be on Xmas that she would Pop-pin Off. But knowing her ego she would want to croak on Easter Morn...so she could resurrect herself.
My Baaad!
Merry Xmas To All
Well did you get all you wanted?............You greedy little pigs!....No??? Did someone take the time to pick a gift for you and now you're already getting it bundled up to return to some store. You don't deserve anything you got.
Used to be in times past if you got a gift you took it and thanked the giver....No matter if you liked it or not. If you didn't like it, you never let on, because that was bad manners. But, shit, lack of manners is what society is all about now. It's all about YOU..............NOT!
Just get off it! So what if you didn't get that gaming system, that you just had to have. So what if you didn't get some high priced toy you don't need and will forget about in a week or two. Adult's...If that sweater doesn't fit or it's not the right color....or what ever lame-o reason you have......Give that sweater to someone who needs it. There's lots of people who sit huddled at home in the cold, who can't afford to heat their homes, who would love that sweater...even if your nasty dead heart doesn't.
Be forwarned now......If humanity doesn't stop being such wasteful selfish jerks. The Xmas Werewolf will be your constant companion....In Hell!
Disclaimer: No good babies were hurt in taking of this picture. On the other hand, this baby boy was eaten right after the flash went off.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Piggie Says....BAD FORUM!

A friend of mine wrote me about this NASTY Guinea Pig Forum. She had adopted a piggie about 2 weeks ago from an owner who was worried that her dog or toddler would injure her. Since Maisie Had been a solitary Pig for the past 6 months, she felt she needed a friend. And indeed she did. There were no rescues available. So she checked out a Pet Store. There was this one lone piggie who had been there for 6 months also. Matilda wasn't fancy. Not pretty long hair like our friend above. Just a plain short haired white piggie. Who really sort of looks like a boiled potato with red eyes. But she say's she's sweet anyway.....No one wanted her. So My friend took her home to meet Maisie and they were friends instantly.
She had joined this rather lame Guinea Pig Forum and posted about Maisie..But when she posted about Matilda the Rabid Rescuers went after her like a pack of piranha. They seem to be blind to the fact not all pet stores are animal abusers. There are some damned fine business out there that sell small exotic pets that are disease free. But not to these people. They even said that poor Maisie didn't deserve a home since she came from a pet store. It's hard to believe that they could be so cruel as to pick on the girl like that. They were just as happy to condemn her to a life in a plastic enclosure seeing everyone adopted but her.
So in the typical cowards way. The moderators of this fine forum put her on moderation. My friend let me know of this atrocious behavior. Since I am on a feed, my words will go on forever on the internet, no matter how far this thread is pushed down...or deleted, most likely.
So visit it while you can
This is the girls I thought you'd like to see them..Happy healthy in a nice home.
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Tuesday, December 23, 2008
How Rude!
Well, I've seen it all now. How cold and un-feeling a society must be to have a headline like this on Yahoo News. Or perhaps they are just illiterate and don't know how to express themselves.
"Heath Ledger's death was voted 2008's top entertainment story by U.S. newspaper and broadcast editors surveyed by The Associated Press"
How nice that your death is considered entertainment......I would love to see what Heath would say about that. Some took him as a fool and used him..But who's the fool now?
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Screw The Middle Class
Please Stop Bailing out the Middle Class. They are the problem behind all our economic woes. They are the ones who think they are so intelligent and think that all the other classes in society have to bow to their whims. They greedily whine that all will go to hell if minimum wage goes up to give hard workers a chance at not living under a bush. They are the one who thinks that their children must get all these tax breaks or they will become idiot leeches on society. They are the ones who buy houses at outrageous prices and don't finish paying for them.
Start placing your concern with the poor. Not with the Middle class families who whine cause they can't afford to take the hoard to the movies every week. Who can't afford to eat out at least 75% of the time in restaurants. You used to be one of us. Screw The Middle Class!
Request made by the POOR of the USA
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