A friend of mine wrote me about this NASTY Guinea Pig Forum. She had adopted a piggie about 2 weeks ago from an owner who was worried that her dog or toddler would injure her. Since Maisie Had been a solitary Pig for the past 6 months, she felt she needed a friend. And indeed she did. There were no rescues available. So she checked out a Pet Store. There was this one lone piggie who had been there for 6 months also. Matilda wasn't fancy. Not pretty long hair like our friend above. Just a plain short haired white piggie. Who really sort of looks like a boiled potato with red eyes. But she say's she's sweet anyway.....No one wanted her. So My friend took her home to meet Maisie and they were friends instantly.
She had joined this rather lame Guinea Pig Forum and posted about Maisie..But when she posted about Matilda the Rabid Rescuers went after her like a pack of piranha. They seem to be blind to the fact not all pet stores are animal abusers. There are some damned fine business out there that sell small exotic pets that are disease free. But not to these people. They even said that poor Maisie didn't deserve a home since she came from a pet store. It's hard to believe that they could be so cruel as to pick on the girl like that. They were just as happy to condemn her to a life in a plastic enclosure seeing everyone adopted but her.
So in the typical cowards way. The moderators of this fine forum put her on moderation. My friend let me know of this atrocious behavior. Since I am on a feed, my words will go on forever on the internet, no matter how far this thread is pushed down...or deleted, most likely.
So visit it while you can
This is the girls I thought you'd like to see them..Happy healthy in a nice home.
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