Please Stop Bailing out the Middle Class. They are the problem behind all our economic woes. They are the ones who think they are so intelligent and think that all the other classes in society have to bow to their whims. They greedily whine that all will go to hell if minimum wage goes up to give hard workers a chance at not living under a bush. They are the one who thinks that their children must get all these tax breaks or they will become idiot leeches on society. They are the ones who buy houses at outrageous prices and don't finish paying for them.
Start placing your concern with the poor. Not with the Middle class families who whine cause they can't afford to take the hoard to the movies every week. Who can't afford to eat out at least 75% of the time in restaurants. You used to be one of us. Screw The Middle Class!
Request made by the POOR of the USA
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