Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Angels Weep For Your Sins

So who am I to say Las Crucen's don't have ambitions? Historically, even to this very day...They will cover up old grave yards to make way for the living. The Downtown Mall is a great example of that. There used to be a working grave yard in this area up until WWI....Up until a developer decided to pave over them and tear down the church, claiming structural problems, in order to make a few bucks selling the land to local business men. I say to this very day because when they renovated the Rio Grand Theatre, a human skull was found and it was covered up least that the true intent of the land be discovered...It was hallowed and was for the use of the dead.....Not for the living. That's why the malignant spirits haunt the place...keeping it as it should be...DEAD.

The same goes for the town square of Mesilla...........Touristas.....You are stepping on some Grandma's head when you trounce around seeking cheap tourqoise jewelry.

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