This is the begining my list of places you should never move to in Las Cruces, NM. if you have equal horror storiess as a renter, please email me your stories.
Up first is The Omni Apartments on Triviz Dr. It's down by the University. It managed by one Bonnie Fergueson for Vista Realty. I was by far the worst of all the place I visited.
I was checking around making a tour of the various apartment around town and was greeted by this brassy, somewhat trashy bleached blond that graced the office of this multi building set of apartments. Also lolling around was what I suppose was equally trashy maintainace men. This gave a real bad impression up front. I asked to see an apartment and saw that all they had to offer was small 2 room, motel like aparments. The rent they wanted for this clearly inferior offering was outrageous. In fact I heard they forced a raise of rent this year on everyone and lost alot of renters as a result.
In checking on the internet I saw that there was various complaints about this place as well as on the manager herself. It ranged from not being a secure place along with her hatred of small children and pets. As well as a condesending attitude to the residents here. Also rumor has it that she likes to snoop in peoples apartments when they are out.
So I would strongly advise.....RUN don't walk away from the Omni Apartments FAST......I DID!
Original Post Date: 11/30/2008
Update 1: 01/31/09
Reason: Sex Offender Alert Building H- Confirmed Data: National Sex Offender Registry.....Keep your children inside.
I used to live there a couple of years ago. You're right. Also it has a dirty parking lot, peeling paint and bad lighting. I got my car broken in while I was there.
I currently live there.
Whats with all the flies?
Oh yer, Bonnie is here..snicker snicker!
Don't pick on Tramp-a-rella. I like then bleached and bloated
On the National Sex offenders Registry The Omni has a listing. They have one freak pedophile in Building H.
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