Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Dark Knight's Tale

This morning they announced the Oscar Nominations live. I was watching ABC's local news and they broke in. Then just barely into it, the station inexplicably went to commercial break...a lot of commercial breaks. Then back to the Oscar announcements. They were ending on the Best Picture. How odd. About as odd as most of my clocks were running 6 minutes slow. Today Heath Ledger Died a year ago. Today, even though the Disney owned channel, didn't let the broadcast go uninterrupted, The Joker is the high card. On 2/22 sacrifice of the messianic knight of old will be honored.

In 1680 on February 22 a High Priestess was burned alive at the stake. A sick fuck who sacrificed thousands of children to Satan with the help of the rogue priest, Abbe Guilborg. You know the guy who looks like Dr. Parnassus. ....The hills are alive with the sound of Ave Satanas........

You have to wonder if this all all orchestrated by equally sick fuck heads. After all, the 2/22 was hidden in the Golden Globe award. Can you name it? But what if it is all happening on it's own. Now that's scarey. The blood bath under the reign of The Sun King just might be trying to manifest itself all over again. If so in 31 days...There will be Hell to pay.

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