Saturday, September 27, 2008

Words Are Power

Have you wondered why I do NOT mention 'What's Her Face's name in my new blog? I'll bet you think it has something to do with a legal thingy...NOPE!

If I gave her space here by usuing her name and image, I give her power in my life. She has no power here and as such you will never see her name here,  just an occasional jab at allusions to who she is.....But she knows who and what she is...I don't have to tell her.

Destroying Love

I ran across this article that I feel it is of note. Could it be true? Is man so sick in the soul that he seeks his own destruction? I sit here listening to the History Channel, on the scientific take on how all life will cease in the universe. Just like another creation of humans, the Bible, it creates Fairy Tales of  Destruction to scare the monkey people that follow it unquestioned. Science who knows nothing of reality or truth, except what it can profit on, creates their own truths, based on nothing but sick imaginations.

Concerning the article below: It is highly probable that the darkness of man's soul could want is own death even from the other side. Being free of it's body, yet not free of what it's all about, the sickness grows.

Letting your children play with Ouija Boards is foolishness beyoond folly in this time. What appears to be a childish game has lent it's self to being a tool to weaken the veil. 

The Wages Of Sin

An ancient text was found recently in Jordon, It is not being covered by the press because of it's indictment of humanity as a whole, as being responsible for their own destruction. 

It was fortold milleniums ago in Hebriaci that in the begining the planet was made and populated by physical forms. These forms were made to keep the balance between the spirit relm and the physical plane. With out the balance, the spirit world could break free and invade the phyical world, with dire consequences to follow.

Have you ever wondered why man, except those extrodinarily gifted, cannot detect the 'other side', but all the other inhabitants can? The text states that the creator imbued the innocent in spirit with this ablity. They as a result could keep the spirits, both good and bad where they belong, for the other side does not being brought into the light, to be exposed.

Because of the fall man, except for their children, had the ability to decern the spirits, but their corruption and ways of death took it away. And the more they destroy the thinner the etherial veil becomes.

Killing their own children has become the norm. Killing their own pets have become the norm. Which is ironic because the very creator they worship placed them as comapanions to protect them. Without them they are open to all sorts of spirit invasions. They kill the wildlife. Why? Because the wild cares not for man and his ways.

What will become of all this folly of an insane creation that looks foward to it's own destruction. What will happen if he continues to kill? The scrolls say that once the balance is lost the gates will be opened. And all those in the spirit will flood this planet. And since the two elements cannot mix. It will destroy all physical life. 
This has happened before...We as a species has destoyed every planet in this solar system, repeating the same mistakes over and over again. Yet we keep up the same behavior. 

Where will the gates be opened? The scroll crytically alludes to a place of crosses. Could this be the holy land? Could this be The Vatican? Or could this be a place unexpected?

I only know that if you seek your own death...Then keep up your ways of madness. Look not to Satan for your down fall...Just look into the mirror...The time is short.

R.I.P-ped Curtians

It seems that Paul Newman dropped dead yesterday....Oh well!

Friday, September 26, 2008

My Book

Like my mentor, who writes prolifically also, I will be following in her footsteps story telling wise also. As I said that my book is a fictionalized historical drama about a character's exploration of her past lives. It starts in her prison cell, where she was sent by Louis XIV, along with two of her stepmother's coven mates. After the last one died and Louis was satisfied that no more of La Voisin's cult was alive, Marguerite Monvoisin was allowed to return to Paris and lived her life out there under the protection of the Sun King. In the first few chapters it divulgues that she had a future role to play in other lifetimes, that was very important as to the survival of this planet. This revolved around who she had been in prior lifetimes, particularly one where a great injustice had been dealt her by both Crown and Church. Louis came himself to her island prison to release her and pass on the cryptic message that would follow her through all lifetimes ending in the......Oh I better stop here. I mean, why would you want to buy the book if I told you everything about it.....Read all about it when it is published by Harper Collins.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Oh Poor Sweeney!

So Much for Sweeney Todd. He dropped dead the evening after the dream. He wasn't a very nice bird. He always tried to bite and wouldn't let go of what ever trauma humans had caused him, before I took him home from the pet store. 

I guess Old Fairiies don't have it anymore.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Freakish Fairy Queen

I had a dreadfull dream where I was observing what's her face cavorting around in a freakish fairy costume. Ending seeing her hanging in a stairwell by her neck.

I checked around and no little innocent animals dropped dead, but I wasn't in the dream I was only observing it in the third person.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008

5-6-7 All Tony's Go To Heaven

Did you know?......That the birthday totals for Jude Law (5)--Colin Farrell (6)---and Johnny Depp (7) are so numerically perfect, that you wonder if they weren't picked in that order to play Heath Ledger's 'Tony'?
Oh well what's a little Black Magick among Friends!

Silence Of The Damned

You want to hear something creepy....Heath Ledger's widow or what ever you want to call her, Michelle Williams, went onto start dating Spike Jonze not long after her grief subsided...But then she did know him before. Spikes birthday is 10/22...Does that date look a bit familiar??? It should. Delete the Zero and you have 1/22 the date Heath died.....Co-Incidence?
Becareful guys....Not everything dies..As you wanted. If you thought the curse of Dark Knight was bad...Just you wait!

Nice Surpises

I may have died 9/7 in 1951, but in 2008 things can turn around on such a date.....First something very nice happened in the morning...What??? None of your damned business. But later on Mr. Don Haskins dropped dead, you know the coach portrayed in Disney's Glory Road. The boobs in El Paso yapped incessantly about it...on and on and on and on for months. They even named a road after that dumb assed movie....Right now all 3 local channels is doing a memorial service for the jerk....Well someday they will shut up about it. I mean no matter how hickish they act now, they will move on.

Also to top off the Sunday...No Pun intended. From celebrity-dum. An actor who's last role was playing God and another actor who had a form of my birthday...All got to go Bye Bye with the coach.

Wishing Away A Star

If this just doesn't beat all...The other day I visited good old JA Online. The first time in a long time and I saw something I just need to comment on especially since I saw it the following posts were deleted. Anyway one of her fans had a dream about Carol Burnett dying (see below) and being so confident that dreams of the such meant the oposite, the little cookoos of doom chirped in saying they wanted to have a dream of what's her face dropping dead...The others were the parts deleted, it was left in the original post but all there after were dumped.

Oh my dear...You have such loyal fans who want to see you 6 feet under...It is just so heart warming!

Too bad they don't know what a pregonative dream is....And the power of affirmations...But then they know everything.

"So long....farewell....auf Wiedersehen...adieu...."

Queen Clarisse OfflinePosts: 686
♥ Tea party ♥

Re: Dreams with our Dame
« Reply #125 on: September 03, 2008, 01:49:02 pm »
Maria, your dream was soooo awesome! Damned dog that waked you up Last night I've dreamt about Julie, but unfortanetely my dream wasn't as long as yours. And it wasn't so happy, because in my dream Carol has died!!! And Julie was there, and me too (I don't know how could I get there, but in our dreams everything is possible), we cried, and Julie seemed to be inconsolable what I understood very well, because she's lost her best friend... She said something about their friendship and Carol which I can't clearly remember, then I woke up. But here comes the positive part: When we dream of a death it means long life! If someone dies in a dream, that means he/she will live so long! I believe in dream-analyzing. So Carol will live a very long life!!!! That's why I'm happy I've dreamt these. I hope someday I will dream about Julie's death... Just don't get me wrong... Then she would live sooo long as well. But I know she will! Let's hope they'll have sooooo many years left! At least 30 or even more

Where Have I Been?

Enjoying myself!........And writing a book. It's a historical novel that spans many centuries. Some of it is based on fact...Some on probabilities...Some on prophecies.