Friday, September 26, 2008

My Book

Like my mentor, who writes prolifically also, I will be following in her footsteps story telling wise also. As I said that my book is a fictionalized historical drama about a character's exploration of her past lives. It starts in her prison cell, where she was sent by Louis XIV, along with two of her stepmother's coven mates. After the last one died and Louis was satisfied that no more of La Voisin's cult was alive, Marguerite Monvoisin was allowed to return to Paris and lived her life out there under the protection of the Sun King. In the first few chapters it divulgues that she had a future role to play in other lifetimes, that was very important as to the survival of this planet. This revolved around who she had been in prior lifetimes, particularly one where a great injustice had been dealt her by both Crown and Church. Louis came himself to her island prison to release her and pass on the cryptic message that would follow her through all lifetimes ending in the......Oh I better stop here. I mean, why would you want to buy the book if I told you everything about it.....Read all about it when it is published by Harper Collins.

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