Saturday, September 27, 2008

Destroying Love

I ran across this article that I feel it is of note. Could it be true? Is man so sick in the soul that he seeks his own destruction? I sit here listening to the History Channel, on the scientific take on how all life will cease in the universe. Just like another creation of humans, the Bible, it creates Fairy Tales of  Destruction to scare the monkey people that follow it unquestioned. Science who knows nothing of reality or truth, except what it can profit on, creates their own truths, based on nothing but sick imaginations.

Concerning the article below: It is highly probable that the darkness of man's soul could want is own death even from the other side. Being free of it's body, yet not free of what it's all about, the sickness grows.

Letting your children play with Ouija Boards is foolishness beyoond folly in this time. What appears to be a childish game has lent it's self to being a tool to weaken the veil. 

The Wages Of Sin

An ancient text was found recently in Jordon, It is not being covered by the press because of it's indictment of humanity as a whole, as being responsible for their own destruction. 

It was fortold milleniums ago in Hebriaci that in the begining the planet was made and populated by physical forms. These forms were made to keep the balance between the spirit relm and the physical plane. With out the balance, the spirit world could break free and invade the phyical world, with dire consequences to follow.

Have you ever wondered why man, except those extrodinarily gifted, cannot detect the 'other side', but all the other inhabitants can? The text states that the creator imbued the innocent in spirit with this ablity. They as a result could keep the spirits, both good and bad where they belong, for the other side does not being brought into the light, to be exposed.

Because of the fall man, except for their children, had the ability to decern the spirits, but their corruption and ways of death took it away. And the more they destroy the thinner the etherial veil becomes.

Killing their own children has become the norm. Killing their own pets have become the norm. Which is ironic because the very creator they worship placed them as comapanions to protect them. Without them they are open to all sorts of spirit invasions. They kill the wildlife. Why? Because the wild cares not for man and his ways.

What will become of all this folly of an insane creation that looks foward to it's own destruction. What will happen if he continues to kill? The scrolls say that once the balance is lost the gates will be opened. And all those in the spirit will flood this planet. And since the two elements cannot mix. It will destroy all physical life. 
This has happened before...We as a species has destoyed every planet in this solar system, repeating the same mistakes over and over again. Yet we keep up the same behavior. 

Where will the gates be opened? The scroll crytically alludes to a place of crosses. Could this be the holy land? Could this be The Vatican? Or could this be a place unexpected?

I only know that if you seek your own death...Then keep up your ways of madness. Look not to Satan for your down fall...Just look into the mirror...The time is short.

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