Thursday, September 11, 2008

Nice Surpises

I may have died 9/7 in 1951, but in 2008 things can turn around on such a date.....First something very nice happened in the morning...What??? None of your damned business. But later on Mr. Don Haskins dropped dead, you know the coach portrayed in Disney's Glory Road. The boobs in El Paso yapped incessantly about it...on and on and on and on for months. They even named a road after that dumb assed movie....Right now all 3 local channels is doing a memorial service for the jerk....Well someday they will shut up about it. I mean no matter how hickish they act now, they will move on.

Also to top off the Sunday...No Pun intended. From celebrity-dum. An actor who's last role was playing God and another actor who had a form of my birthday...All got to go Bye Bye with the coach.

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