Monday, January 17, 2011

Another Puke Fest

Guess who's super sick of the gatherings of the shallow giving themselves awards right and left. The Golden Globes---Yawn!

Though I did enjoy Ricky Ripping at you all. I  bet you didn't get the total rip when he called Bruce Willis, Ashton Kutcher's Dad. If he is Aston's Dad then your inferring that Demi is his Mom and basically your calling hims a Muther Fucker right in front of everyone. GOOD JOB Ricky!

Now my turn to rip a bit.....So why do you think you are worth all the money you make 'play acting'???

Your Not.

And you know it.....That's why most of you destroy themselves with booze and drugs. You contribute nothing to society. The Entertainers of Man...The Court Jesters.....The Fools!

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