Friday, April 11, 2008

Cause & Effect On The Dark Side of The Moon

I'm starting a single topic which I will edit as things happen.

I'm calling it Cause & Effect...It's covering those funny little things in life that seem unconnected to most, but in reality is very much connected.

1. Cause--Samara Kills Samarkand
Tuesday 4/8/08

I had a breeding pair of Cockatiels. Or at least having eggs. She's sitting her second clutch right now. It seems she and her mate got into some sort of fight and he had a heart attack or something. This is unheard of behavior out of a female cockatiel. They seemed to get along okay. But there were times when they were allowed out time from their cage, that he would miss behave or just want to go back, that when I would go get her, that she didn't want to go in yet. It was always his fault she had to go back and I think she knew it. Also with the eggs he would chase her off cause HE wanted to sit on them. I don't think this went down too good with her either. I think it was a build up of little things that set her psycho.

2. Effect--Stanely Kamel drops dead of a heart attack.
Tuesday 4/8/08

Stanley Kamel, who played Adrian Monk’s long-suffering psychiatrist on the television detective show “Monk,” was found dead by his agents on Tuesday at his home in Hollywood Hills. He was 65. The cause was a heart attack, his publicist Cynthia Snyder said in a statement.

3. Cause--Julie Andrews dedicates king Arthur's Carousel at Disneyland.
Tuesday 4/8/08

Disney, actress Julie Andrews touches her newly dedicated carousel horse named 'Jingles' following a ceremony to honor her at the King Arthur Carousel at Disneyland in Anaheim, Calif., on Tuesday, April 8, 2008. Disneyland dedicated the cherished lead carousel horse in recognition of her role as Honorary Ambassador during the park's 50th anniversary celebration in 2005.

4. Effect--Marvin Sylvor creator of carousel ponies dies
Wednesday 4/9/08

Marvin Sylvor, the merry-go-round man who dotted parks in New York City with fanciful painted ponies and went on to help populate the rest of the world with galloping steeds, flying manes and sparkly gold trappings on more than 60 carousels, died on Wednesday in Miami. He was 75.
The cause was kidney failure, said his brother,

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