Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Ooops I Did It Again!

Saturday I had my most serious bike accident ever. I was coming down a steep hill with a touring bike that was outfitted with narrow tires. It gained too much speed too fast to stop and as the wheel wobbled I had to decided to dump it before it got any faster. Any other times I had a bike accident I was going 3 mph instead of the 25+ mpg I was going that afternoon. I got pretty banged up and as of now I'm still at home mending.

Since I'm missing alot of work, I just won't be able to Buy Julie's book til sometime in the future. I also saw Sweeney Todd is out today also, but it won't be bought either....What a strange pairing 'Home' & 'The Butcher of Fleet Street' debuting the same day.

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