Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Entertainment Tonight

Well I was awake, I've slept most of the last 4 days away.....And I caught the ET interview..A bit better, but she still glosses over the worse parts in the book.

Something else which everyone is dwelling on..That she & her family were poor. Well yes ..and no. Let me tell you something about back then. A person or family could be poor and still own a car & home. In this time frame and equal situation would put you in the street or working constantly to have alot of nothing. So Miss Julie never knew poverty for real. I would sincerely doubt she ever missed a meal.

Something else that bugs me...Life was hard for her, that was true...BUT regardless she had family such as it was, she always had some sort of back up. Unlike in Thoroughly Modern Millie and the famous line "It's terrible to be all alone in the world." She never was and still isn't. She never truly had to stand on her own...knowing that no one will be there in times of need. But frankly I do not think she could....Very few people can.

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