Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Regis Runs......Oooops...I Mean....Retires!

Regis Philbin are you trying to get away, before you turn 80?

It won't work. You might as well stay.

And announcing it on the full moon is just tooooo gauche.



Veritas said...

Oh Regis!---I never knew how famous you were. Everyone is talking about you retiring and giving you a respective of your life. It's like watching an obit of a living...more or less breathing person.

Veritas said...

A Special Message..........
So why are things going wrong for that certain segment, and yes I am talking to YOU, of society that decided wealth and fame was more important that their own souls. Is 'someone' you know getting better at protecting themselves OR is it something entirely different. You know that for every innocent, or at least as close to innocent as we can get now a days, soul that died because of YOUR dark wishes, those souls will eventually tumble on to the fact who the Big Bad Bugger is. And I could imagine that they might eventually band together and put a Spiritual Kick In The Ass to She Who Thought She Should Be Obeyed.

But then maybe that 'someone' is getting better...........

PS: To those who sided with her and have been experiencing troubles. Becareful of you side with and who you side against.............The fall out can be devestating!