Thursday, March 13, 2008

Predjudiced Press

Below is the second message I left The Daily news. Yes, the first one was in Julie's favor....I have been checking and they aren't putting up any comments...Except what they want up to turn the public agains her. It's an old ploy. So please don't buy into it.

Second message left for the Daily News:
I see your not putting comments up. I would assume that you're abusing the power of the press to skew the opions of people against her. Well it won't work. I have a well read blog and I'll settle your hash there.

The only 8 comments...Most are negative

That is extremely sad and it's great to see that Julie Andrews managed to move on with her life and she managed to put past and difficult events in her life behind her. The memories of a bad past event can sometimes be damaging to many of us, however if we bury those problems without learning to deal with them, it can sometimes be more damaging. It's good to deal with the past sometimes by talking about them with someone. If you bury them, they always seem to resurface at some stage in your life.- Smileyrose, UK

Tht's so scary - she's so successful. - Brooke, Michigan

Have we not had enough of these stories from worn out celebrities?- William John Kempton, Edinburgh

Now she comes out with it; 65 years later, when no one involved is still alive to answer or defend themselves!- Peter Davies, Montreal, Canada

She's very brave to tell the truth about her experiences - good on her! Sexual abuse (even attempted) is more widespread than people realise. As a society, we need to open up the dialogue about this topic, so that victims are able to feel comfortable in revealing the truth. The candid admissions of a popular, respected star such as Andrews is a good place to start. Again, good on her!- Bianca, Sydney

Regarding Julie Andrew's forthcoming biography, how come all these revelations come out when these people are bringing out a book (it must obviously boost sales) and also as this is such an awful story how come she still continued to use her stepfather's name after all these years?- Sally, Victoria, Australia

Is it really our necessity to know this lady's life and other celebrities? I'm sure there are many out there that can relate to the treatment she endured but why can't one if they want to know about her life just go to a book store and buy it and not have episodes of hers and others lives shoved down our throats.- Oneta Stellengard, Durban, South Africa
Why release a book with all these details when so much time has passed and when those concerned are dead so they can't defend the accusations?- Kate, Sydney Australia

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