Poor Samara was alone. And I noticed she was plucking out some of her feathers from the stress. So yesterday I called around to see what was available. At Pet's Barn they had several birds. But there was one Boy who was a crank that wouldn't allowed anyone to touch him. They had him marked down and though he wasn't was fancy and frilly as the youngsters, he caught my eye. They had him for 3 or 4 weeks as a transfer from another store and they had him for 3 months...Unable to sell him.
They said he was about a year old, but I think he's a bit older and came from a home. He acted wild-ish, but as I worked on getting him out of the cage, which wasn't easy, you could see he knew what I was saying. Someone caged in a pet store from birth wouldn't show that personality.
He's rather pretty. He's a pastel grey, with alot of yellow on his head. Samarkand was a darker grey. When he first got home Samara called out and to her surprise a voice answered back. He was all exited to see her and was bobbling his head in excitement. I put him right in the cage with her and he was shy and upset and stayed mostly to the back of the cage. Later I chased him down so he would see the food and water on the floor. And he sat on the perch with her.
I had gotten my gift card in the mail for Best Buy for doing Surveys Online the same day. And decided to get Sweeney Todd with it.....Preferably that than what's her faces's book that came out the same day as Todd did in the stores. So on the way home with MY Sweeney, I picked up Johnny Depp's Sweeney.
Both birdies sat enthralled with the movie...........That is how my new baby got named.
Julie Andrews Trivia---She did Putting It Together off Broadway and one of the tunes is the same tune that is in Sweeney Todd, I guess Sondheim doesn't find it objectionable to steal his own music and move it to another play with different lyrics...Oh well I guess he can't sue himself!
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