In the not so distant past, it used to be that old people were venerated because of their wisdom and life experience.....Ah but that is a thing of the past! Thanks to the pharmaceutical companies. Your average old person had pounds of pills to take daily cause of their maladies, real and imagined. Many of them are narcotics. Our little old junkies are supplied by their drug pushing doctors, who in turn are given kick backs from those companies to get their customers hooked..........And as such bleed the government via Medicare & Medicaid.
Now you know why those old people are so vague and wobble alot......Cause they are stoned!
One could wonder if there really is such a thing as Alzheimer's. Could it be that the effect on people who ingest so much prescription drugs is brain cell destruction? It's not impossible. It happens with the illegial drugs. Why not perscription drugs? But Eli-Lily won't ever admit it...They will just invent another pill to combat the effects, which will give them yet another bonus and vacation to Bora-Bora................All on granny's rotting brain.
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