Monday, October 12, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Parnassus--Got Game?
It seems that some singer named Stephen Gately, in a boy band called Boyzone dropped dead yesterday (10/10).....The first obit mentioned Colin Farrell as having tried out for it and getting turned down way back when.
Colin, did anyone tell you that your birthday is the same date I got my Arsinoe Ring.........Returned to me. Probably not, these type of people just try to use you up til you all burn out. Becareful sweety, this, plus playing at being Alexander isn't the best things to hang over your head, especially since your playing a dead man's role to boot.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
The Imaginariums of Your Mind
Saturday, October 3, 2009
The Ring of Arsinoe II

Sunday, September 13, 2009
My revisionist theories on Cleopatra is now finished. I was wrong on many points, but I choose to leave the posts up as an exploration of the past culmination on the ultimate truth.
I was correct in saying that Cleopatra did not kill Arsinoe. But what we are looking at is the probabilty that eventually she would have. You see Mark Anthony wanted to become Emperor of Rome. Because of the rivalry he felt that having Arsinoe still around, he concocted a campain to convince her sister that she had been plotting against her. This had been going on for quite a while. But since Cleopatra was a cautious person and skepticle of what any Roman would say to her, she kept putting off giving out any execution orders........She kept telling Mark Anthony she would take care of the situation, when in reality, unless she had proof positive, she had no intention of it. BUT should she have HAD to do it, the assasination would have been done in a quiet and discrete way, with poisons.
In the mean time, Mark Anthony had become so desperate over the years, that despite knowing better that he dared go over Cleo's head and had Arsinoe murdered in the messiest way possible, gutted like a pig on the steps of the sacred Temple of Artimis. Because of the war against Octavian, she never denied having been the co conspiritor in her murder. To point a finger at the person responsible would have given a divided front that Octavian could have used to his advantage.
But as it was said of her, , that Cleopatra would spare no energy to get back at one who wronged her, she wait as a Perfect Ptolemy Preditor would have to divest herself of the dunken fool who would be king.............Eventually not only a truth was reveiled to her, but a situation came into view that would finally get rid of him. The truth came on swift wings that in his obsession with her, and dellusions of world domination, that he was behind the plot that caused the assassination of Julius Caesar. Upon being given unreputed evidence of the consiracy, the die was cast. A battle with Octavian was coming up and Cleo had convinced her loving husband that his big, and awfully slow warships could easily win against Octavian's fleet. She played him like a fiddle, in hopes he would crash and burn. Of course she said she would join him with her fleet and the world would be history records. When Cleo 'finally decided to show up at Actium....Mark Anthony would not be doing well to say the least.......And upon this, she exited stage left back to Alexandria, thinking she finally got rid of him. But alas he comes dragging back after her. So as history tells that she sent orders to have him told she was dead.....He falls on his sword..and so the story goes......................
Reurning to the subject of Arsinoe..............Cleopatra would have put up with just about anything out of her............Except for betrayal. Should she have thought for one moment the babblings from Mark Anthony had any merit, she would have dealt with her as needed. After all the blood line wills out especially if you are a Ptolomy. But who is Arsinoe now....That I was right about in the begining......And you know who you are.
**The epiphany came on the 8th......I waited until Now for my own reasons to post it.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Ptolemy Tales
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Alexander, The Ptolemies...And All That Jazz
I was wondering today, of all days if it wasn't the Ptolmies who brought about the Greek names to the Egyptian Gods...But I had to go to work and came up with something else to look about when I got home. It concerned Alexander The Great. So this is what I came up with.....
"Alexander's body was placed in a gold anthropoid sarcophagus, which was in turn placed in a second gold casket.[114] According to Aelian, a seer called Aristander foretold that the land where Alexander was laid to rest "would be happy and unvanquishable forever".[115] Perhaps more likely, the successors may have seen possession of the body as a symbol of legitimacy (it was a royal prerogative to bury the previous king).[116] At any rate, Ptolemy stole the funeral cortege, and took it to Memphis.[114][115] His successor, Ptolemy II Philadelphus, transferred the sarcophagus to Alexandria, where it remained until at least Late Antiquity"
I'm thinking that perhaps the Ptolemies not only stole the body and hid it but buried each of their ruling family members in the same tomb. It sound probable to me.
Now if you want a real ...'out there theory' about this. I ran across a bit of fiction written a couple of years ago about Alexander. Now take into account Fiction can be a channeled truth, in part. From the synopsis there may have been a personal demon attached to Alexander as a child.
If the Ptolemies stole the body and kept it...could not the personal demon been transferred to them through each generation.
Since my obervances of the curse in action I refer to someone as 'The Dark Prince' which is the name of the book, by David Gemmel. This is the over view.
Book overview
The chaos spirit had chosen the child Alexander to be its human host. But Parmenion, most powerful warrior of ancient Greece, had won a small victory over the darkness that sought to rule through Alexander. The boy's soul had not been destroyed by evil, but instead had merged with it -- and now Parmenion aided Alexander in the battle between light and dark that constantly raged within him.
But there was another world, where the creatures of Greece's legends still flourished. There, the chaos spirit already ruled, through a demon king. In this Greece, there was a prophecy that a child of great power, the legendary golden child, would come and restore the fading magic of the land to the creatures of myth. The demon king believed also that devouring the heart of this fabled child would give him immortality. He believed Alexander, with the power of the chaos spirit within him, to be that child. And so he called Alexander into his world . . .
Only Parmenion, guided by the seeress Derae, his lost love from another life, could hope to save Alexander from the demon king. But who could save the young prince from the chaos spirit that threatened to conquer his soul?
Everything has an energy and everything has a reality....No matter what the lie or fable may be......What if this is the basis of Cleo's Curse? I will tell you this. When Hawass digs for Cleo he may find the whole nest of Ptolemies and Alexander too.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Sobek Has A Snack
It seems a Dalmatian got attacked in a Hanna Park in Jacksonville, FL1` over the weekend Why am I covering it? Because it seems that on occasion I would dream of walking among Alligators/Crocodiles unharmed. This as I would discover was a protective omen accorded to Pharaohs. But what is also fascinating is that there were two centers for the worship of Crocodiles, that was Kom Ombo which the picture is from it's temple and Crocodiliopolis. Which was renamed....By a Ptolemy....Arsinoe. I didn't include a picture of that center because ll that is left is an obelisque.
Kom Ombo was built, as it seems a good deal of Egypt, by the Ptolemies. And what they didn't build they restored. They reigned for over 300 years, but when you think of it, it was an amazing feat that they got so much done in that amount of time.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Bringing Cleopatra Back To Life---Her Palace That Is
Some of the world's most exciting sunken treasures could soon be on view after Egypt confirmed plans to build a giant underwater museum in the Mediterranean.
But as preparation begins on the site of Cleopatra's Palace in Alexandria, funding and technical problems are proving as divisive and controversial as the famed queen herself.
Ancient Alexandria was one of the world's great centres of civilisation, and since excavations in the eastern harbour began in 1994, divers have unearthed thousands of historical objects. These have included 26 sphinxes, several vast granite blocks weighing up to 56 tonnes each, and even pieces of what is believed to be the Pharos of Alexandria lighthouse, one of the seven classic wonders of the world.
Remnants of Queen Cleopatra's palace complex are also submerged beneath the waves, after the island on which it stood fell victim to earthquakes in the 5th century.
Now ambitious but controversial plans are under way to open up this unique site via an immersed fibreglass tunnel which would enable close-up viewing of the underwater monuments. The designs were drawn up by the French architect Jacques Rougerie, a veteran of water-based construction projects, and have been backed by the United Nations cultural agency Unesco.
Next month a detailed technical survey will be launched. "If all goes according to plan, construction will begin in early 2010 and be completed within two and half years," says Ariel Fuchs, a scientific director at Rougerie's firm.
The idea is also being promoted by the high-profile marine archaeologist Franck Goddio, who is currently touring Europe with a selection of artefacts already dredged up from the Alexandrian coastline.
Yet the project is running into obstacles. Funding for the museum, which will cost up to $140m (£98m), has not yet been secured.
The government is hoping private companies and organisations will foot the bill, but a member of the architectural team admitted that "nobody is clear about where the financing will come from".
Even if money does come through, a series of formidable technical challenges await the museum's builders, including the question of how to combat the bay's notoriously murky waters to improve visibility in the tunnel, and the problem of ensuring the structure is strong enough to withstand underwater currents.
More worryingly, the project has been accused by sceptical locals of being little more than a ''corporate theme park'' with many doubting it will be built at all.
"As an idea it's perfect," says Dr Ashraf Sabri, who runs a local dive centre specialising in marine heritage sites. "But you have to get down there and do the scientific work to see what is practical and what isn't. And month-in, month-out, this has not been done."
For Egypt, the stakes are high. Alexandria, the country's second city, has been long overshadowed by Cairo and Luxor, and the government wants it to become a new focal point for the 12 million foreign tourists that visit each year.
"For too long Alexandria's great history and multicultural background hasn't been sufficiently respected," says Naguib Amin, local site manager for the Supreme Council for Antiquities.
Amin rejected claims that money would be better spent giving a makeover to the city's crumbling downtown buildings, most of which feature stunning colonial-era architecture. "We view the museum as an integral component of revitalising the city as a whole," he said.
Friday, July 24, 2009
A Ring In Time Kills Nine

Okay, I've been testing the waters, so to speak, on who all might be the reincarnations of the Principle Players in this little theatre of the absurd.
Without naming names...........
I will start with Arsinoe. So it seems I am correct in the assumption that her older sister, Cleo, put the fix in with the crowd and seeded some in the audience, from her camp, to get the normally blood thirsty Romans to jeer down the strangulation death of Arsinoe......In fact I can see that it was her who got her sent to Ephesus, to the safety of the Temple of Artemis...After all, at that point, she had Old Julius wrapped around her pretty little finger and could get what ever she wanted. Now knowing her sister did not hate her, just what would her soul have been like after she had been murdered, hearing that Cleopatra ordered her assassination as she bled to death on the temple steps. I would say over millenniums that a hidden anger and hatred would grow in the subconscious. It would twist each lifetime. This person would seek fame, yet could never accept it, and would go so far as to think everyone hated them.....A creative person, with a soul of a warrior.....Would this person be a man or woman now?
Mark Anthony..........Cleopatra once loved him. Yet when she found out he was the one who had Arsinoe killed, even after repeated denials over the years, when she found out...had proof...When Actium occurred, she walked out on him and left him to lose to Octavian. When he caught up with her, he was told she was dead. He fell on his sword....With his dying breath, Cleo made him admit to killing her sister. If Marcus Antonius was here,. NOW. What would he be like? He was a womanizer and murderer and lier in the old days...Would he be condemned to be reincarnated as a woman over and over. Maybe even to be born illegitimate .....As the Sands are shifted in Alexandria looking for his mummy, the cobwebs may be cleared from his mind to make up for his bad deeds. Would his love ever forgive him?
These two would be quite the twisted Victor/Victoria
Cleopatra-The Last Pharaoh.....Will have the final word. Dogged through the years by Octavian, lost everything because of his obsession with her. In the end determined that he would not have her, she made the ultimate sacrifice to put forth a terrible curse on Rome it's self. Be warned... When the light come to the darkness of the past.....a resurrection of the one will occur when the death of another goes forth.
Friday, July 3, 2009
A Tale of Two Sisters
On Egyptian Forum today, that is far to dogmatic on a certain point in history.....That point may only be of interest to the principle players, especially if they are incarnated now. The question now is where is Cleo buried in Taposiris. Arsinoe was buried in a far away land in an octagon tomb. Cleo, come out come out where ever you are!
It seems that you chosen to believe the tabloid-esque documentary on the subject, concerning who killed Arsinoe. I guess it easier to believe, whole heartedly, in accounts by historians who wrote about things they did not witness , living centuries after the fact, as a source of all truths. Instead of taking a step back and look at things in a different way. A more logical way.
Concerning my thread on the Cleopatra Curse...I will not go into it again. After all it gets tedious hearing the bodies go THUD. In it I contested that Octavian was responsible for everyone's death from Julius Caesar ending in Cleopatra death. But I overlooked Arsinoe.
She was allowed to live years in the Temple by Cleo. Why at this point in time would she have her assassinated? Octavian would have had reason to at that point in time, just on the basic fact that his bother in law was embarrassing him and Rome for taking up with his enemy. Arsinoe's death would have been a calculated attempt to discredit both of them and in his wild hopes have the Egyptian people turn against Cleo for the violation of the temple with her own sister's blood. .
It's very possible too that Cleopatra, after the anger wore off on what Arninoe did as a child, decided to protect her. Maybe, eventually, in hopes to bringing her back home when she matured in character. Why do I state this? Because She was petitioned to save the High Priest’s life after the murder. He was responsible for her safety there and he failed. But he also knew the situation and knew she wouldn’t have had her killed.
You see Cleo had no family left. Both of her brothers were dead. Arsinoe was all that was left. Sure she had her kids and Mark Anthony, but they were Rome. Arsinoe was Egypt.
Something else odd about the documentary. It showed Arsinoe being drug out of the Temple and murdered on the steps. Would she not have made a bit of noise if they did it that way. The little warrior Princess who held off Julius Caesar for a short time would not have gone quietly…..Unless….They identified themselves as being from her sister and went outside the Temple to talk to them, so no one would hear. This means she was not at enmity with her as one believed. If Arsinoe would leave the protection of the Temple then she would be in danger of being used as a pawn by Octavian or just done in. She was a week point. The sad thing is that when she went out, the assassins, could very well have said to her that they had a ‘special’ message from Cleopatra, and that was the last thing she heard when she died.
Concerning The burial place of Arsinoe…. We are assuming that it was the Priests of the Temple, that she stayed in, that was responsible for her burial. Perhaps not. What if it was her sister who did it.
So do you wish to discuss this or believe the babbling of old fools who pass themselves off as historians of histories that has as much credence as the National Enquirer.
Oh by the way several people more have died with reference to Cleo and it seems to start at the debut of this documentary....But there is no such things as curses...Right?
It's funny you have a forum on a people who lived in a world of magic and wonder, yet you created something as dead as the mummies that lie beneath the sand. Totally disrespecting what Egypt was all about. This is the impression I get from the ones responding, you don't acknowledge that there are things beyond the physical and time it's self.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Cleopatra & Arsinoe
There is a British documentary seems to be very one sided on the event's surrounding the death of Arsinoe, Cleopatra's kid sister. It's on You Tube at this link. Please view all six parts of it before reading further.
You can also view it via the video bar on the right, that will take you there.
I propose a very different scenario. Yes the events of long ago was the Portrait of a Killer, but not that of Cleopatra.
Let's start the story with the adoption of the heir to Rome. Octavian. Soon after he was made Julius Caesar's son. He's dead. Assassinated.
With the help of his brother in law Mark Antony they cased down his killer. A voice silenced that could possibly link him to an assassination plot .
Then due to Mark Anthony's lifestyle he took up with Octavians' enemy....Cleopatra, He would not have this. Not only was he betraying his marriage to his sister, but was sleeping with the enemy, literally. What was he to do? How could he discredit the two. Maybe even turn the Egyptian people against their Queen. This was simple have Arsinoe executed and the blame laid on those two. This crime would have been unheard of . First violating the law of Sanctuary. AND spilling he blood on the temple steps.
This documentary, doesn't take into account that Cleopatra allowed her to live all those years there. And in fact she had been petitioned to save the life of the Priest who took Arsinoe in, right after the murder. If the story told here was true, why save him.
You can be sure, the last words Arsinoe heard was......"We have a message from your sister...." when they ran her through.
Also I might add, despite her Rebellion again her sister and Rome, that Cleopatra secretly was proud of her spirit and courage. The only reason Cleo took up with the Romans in the first place was to keep them from destroying her beloved Egypt. The youthful rebel would not have realized just how bad a defeat they would have had if they tried to go against the Roman might.
But I want to add that this trail of blood behind the mechanization's of Octavian didn't end with Arsineo's death. His hatred of Mark Anthony and Cleopatra only grew when this plot didn't work. Eventually leading him to have Mark Anthony assassinated and brought to his loves arms. Yes I say that he had his brother in law killed. It wasn't suicide.
Cleopatra was not a suicide either. I believe he had her food poisoned. And she and her hand maidens died a painful death on his way to being the first Emperor of Rome.
As a master of propaganda, it was his version of events that went down through history. Events that were written about centuries after the fact. So, my dear friends who put this documentary together, before laying the trail of blood on Cleopatra....THINK before you speak. There are things unknown that must be taken into account........Remember this..."In The End....It's All About Family"
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
So my friend Zahi Hawass and his newest helper a girl from the Dominican Republic is digging around looking for Anthony and Cleopatra. I had some interesting people drop dead cause of it. It was commonly assumed that Cleo and her 2 hand maidens, Iras and Charmion, killed themselves out of grief or out of fear of being drug back to Rome. Neither being true. It seems the story and I do mean story was formed by Octavian. He was the driving force behind the murder of Caesar...So what would stop him from further eliminating his enemies that would keep him from the throne of Rome. As we all know it was said Cleopatra killed herself with the bite of an asp, hidden in a basket of figs she ordered. I believe that, yes, there was an asp and Octavian knew this. BUT the serpent was the protector of Isis, whom Cleopatra was considered the earthly embodiment of. To order a snake to be secreted into the basket was not a bid to exit this realm but to protect her and her handmaidens. After all no one was left to help her since, as the story goes, Marc Anthony killed himself on his sword after hearing Cleo was dead. Supposedly was told to him at her orders. Again an enemy had fallen out of Octavian's way......I contest that the premature story of Cleopatra's demise was invented by Octavian. But did he fall on his sword Or was he murdered? Marc Anthony is gone.......One more left. On orders by Octavian the figs were poisoned. Cleopatra completely unaware of this shared them with her handmaidens, her friends.
The minute everyone was out of the way, Octavian gave the orders to have Caesar's son by Cleopatra, Caearion murdered. This was part of recorded history. So the above scenario is not beyond belief.
So what would millenniums of a lie produce energy wise? What would happen once the energies trapped in the tombs of Tapisosiris would see the light of day? Granted the spirits of the maligned do not haunt the area. Once Octavian murdered everyone to gain his power, they went to to different lifetimes. Unfortunately with no memories of what happened to them.
Now Dr. Hawass is tampering into the eternal library of astral memories trapped there. There are those who thought that Octavian would not have buried them with any accord to their rank, and thought he would have just as likely to have dumped them into a hole somewhere is quite wrong. He knew Cleopatra/Isis' status and knew to desecrate them would have brought the wrath of the gods on him, as well as the wrath of the egyptian people, whom he did not want anymore trouble out of, decided to bury them with honors. That was mistake 1. Mistake 2 was to steal the ring of the Queen from her icy hand. The ring Julius Caesar gave her. This was the marker that always came back to her in subsequent lifetimes.
Those who were murdered August 12, 30 BC, produced the following numerically significant array. The date totaled out to 5...A number of protection.....of witches...of the pentagram.....A 5 for each...5---5---5...That makes 15. That makes the Devil card. The three women were like sisters. Octavian gave her handmaidens a burial near their Queen.....Mistake 3. Once the tomb is opened the truth will be known.
So many questions....So many truths......BUT....Most importantly of all....Who wears the ring of the Queen?
UPDATE 1: The first born son of the first born son dies in Egypt when the Dark Prince is in Jerusalem.....Very Biblical....and even worse Caesarion was the first born son of the first born son. He's buried there at the temple with his mother also. This will not be pretty!.....Dig my friend dig!
UPDATE 2: A changer of sex and a mocker of old drops dead. Again someone who did a spoof of Cleopatra on the stage is gone. Oh well. And his birthday was the date of my spiritual godfather. His step Grandfather directed the very first Cleopatra movie.
UPDATE 3: Ooops there goes another first born son of a first born son. As the Dark Prince dances over to Egypt and cavorts in the Pyramids found was the first born son of an acting dynasty, dead in a closet in Bangkok. The Father had made two Cleopatra movies. Ouch!...Seee my poll on the old guy. We have dumb asses on IMBD.COM who swear it was NOT murder. But then they aren't the brightest bunch on the web either.
Update 4: What birdie sounds Like Pharaoh....And so a brother dies of Rosmary.
Update 5: Could a Pharah be a female Pharaoh.....An angel dies on the same day as a Dark Prince dies. One who would be king....."Remember The Time". That morning a sister remembers a sister. The same day a digger publishes a story on the Serapis Bulls of the Ptolmies.
Just how close is Hawass to finding Cleo's Tomb? Maybe closer than we all know.
Update 6: The Dark Prince shakes hands with the Vicar of Rome soon the vicar falls----Blessings can only be given by the left hand of God....and Demeter dies.
Update 7: Dalamations, Directors and DeVilles....Oh My!----What's the secret to her power? I was Putting It Together the night before.
Update 8: And The Viccar of Rome prays for the Lady of Camelot and she dies anyway....There's one left old Mr 2/22 himself.....And then there was none.
Update 9: Boy finally get something right and a strummer drops on that date. Looks like the Bernice thing was right on the money. I wonder how much more of that post is right too?
Update 10: She played Calpernia in a Studio One rendition of Julius Caesar...and she dropped on the same date as the strummer.....The date Cleo laid down her life to curse Rome.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
The Black Sun Corona

Las Cruces is now among the ranks of the damned. It's made it's own version of a New Mexico License plate with their Black Sun Corona surrounding the 3 crosses logo prominently on it. Unlike my version of it, the driver will see upright crosses, but when God looks down, on humanity, he will see My version of it. Personally it's all too funny to me. The sun has further symbology. It has 15 rays. The 15th card in a Tarot deck is the Devil card........It's rumored that this city is looking for a song to represent them too.............I hear that Ave Satan
Au Revior
It appears that a family member died last month from my previous incarnation as Maria Montez. His name was Francois Villier. He was my husband's, Jean-Pierre Aumont's, younger brother. He lived next door to me in Paris when I died. He never seemed to do much in the biz and got his start because of JPA and myself. The poster is from that movie. He had a small walk on and later became a director in French films.
There is something rather fascinating about the deaths of my immediate family from that lifetime.
10/28 Tina Aumont Died (2006)
01/29 Francios Villiers Died (2009)
01/30 Jean Pierre Aumont Died (2001)
10---01 No difference except in formating the numbers. It's rather creepy looking!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
The Pink Panther Has Her Last Laugh (For Now)
Naw not Mommy.....Just James Whitmore...But now your in my family, Julie...............
FYI: The previous owner of The Ring. The wife. She didn't much care for it and though they pulled a stunt getting someone else to sell it for them...Remember the one who sold it to them dropped dead soon after......Though it was delayed, she died on a reverse of my birthday last year.
Update: The next 6 date in this month was the 15th...It seems that representations for Mummy Dearest must be running low....A Naked Chimp. Yer I said Naked. She was as bald as a cootie. Dropped dead unexpectedly from a cold, said the zoo officials. Her name was "Cinder"...Now would the rest of the name be "ELLA"????
Friday, February 6, 2009
P-U!! Pink Smells A Stink
Monday, February 2, 2009
In Defence Of A Dame
Queen Elizabeth Prepares to make Julie a Dame.....Oooops sorry! Wrong Queen!
There's this video of Julie exiting a building and snubbing the fans on On it a woman says she's not fit to be a Dame. I don't know if it's the one who filmed it or what. BUT I take exception to this. Julie Andrews is no more unfit to be a Dame as is everyone else Queen Elizabeth hand out faux knighthoods to. She's not a royal and neither is any celebrity...well all except that old queen Elton John. So don't pick on Dame Julie...She at least was smiling the whole time she was snubbing you all.
See for yourself
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Welcome--To My New Family
So to Julie Andrews and Blake Edwards, I want to declare as of this date, that I consider both of you my spiritual parents. Much like Delia was to Damian in Omen IV--The Awakening. You have taught me so much since you came into my life. And since everyone in my actual family is dead. I want to welcome you in to join their ranks.
In closing I want to give them special credit where credit is due. On January 27th the 400th edition of Mary Poppins came out......A must have for people who care. Needless to say I didn't buy into it.
And coming soon Pink Panther 2 will make it's debute on February 6th.......No comment Blackie. But I hope you like how the 2/22 depictation turned out on the PP Sony site. Very Clever!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Bad Manors
This is the begining my list of places you should never move to in Las Cruces, NM. if you have equal horror storiess as a renter, please email me your stories.
Up first is The Omni Apartments on Triviz Dr. It's down by the University. It managed by one Bonnie Fergueson for Vista Realty. I was by far the worst of all the place I visited.
I was checking around making a tour of the various apartment around town and was greeted by this brassy, somewhat trashy bleached blond that graced the office of this multi building set of apartments. Also lolling around was what I suppose was equally trashy maintainace men. This gave a real bad impression up front. I asked to see an apartment and saw that all they had to offer was small 2 room, motel like aparments. The rent they wanted for this clearly inferior offering was outrageous. In fact I heard they forced a raise of rent this year on everyone and lost alot of renters as a result.
In checking on the internet I saw that there was various complaints about this place as well as on the manager herself. It ranged from not being a secure place along with her hatred of small children and pets. As well as a condesending attitude to the residents here. Also rumor has it that she likes to snoop in peoples apartments when they are out.
So I would strongly advise.....RUN don't walk away from the Omni Apartments FAST......I DID!
Original Post Date: 11/30/2008
Update 1: 01/31/09
Reason: Sex Offender Alert Building H- Confirmed Data: National Sex Offender Registry.....Keep your children inside.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
They Beat Horses Here--And Proud Of It
Updated at 6:45am -- Trainer Acquitted of Beating Colt to Death | | | |
Written by Bruce Daniels - ABQnewsSeeker |
Monday, 26 January 2009 06:45 |
Las Cruces jury finds Lubbock man not guilty of extreme animal cruelty in February 2006 incident. Lubbock horse trainer Greg Collier was found not guilty by a Las Cruces jury on Saturday of extreme animal cruelty in the Feb. 14, 2006 death of a 10-month-old thoroughbred colt he was training in Chaparral, the Las Cruces Sun-News reported. State District Judge Stephen Bridgforth had given jurors the option of considering the lesser misdemeanor charge of animal cruelty, but the jury deadlocked at 11 to 1 for conviction, the Sun-News said. Senior Trial Prosecutor Richard Wellborn told the Sun-News that while the verdict was disappointing, he didn't believe the District Attorney's Office would give up pursuing the lesser animal cruelty charge. "It's a low charge," Wellborn told the paper. "But the stakes are high here. People care." Kevin Williams of El Paso, owner of the 10-month-old colt named Cowboy who died after a three-hour training session with Collier, fought back tears as he watched Collier leave the courtroom Saturday, the Sun-News said. "I just can't believe it," said Williams. 8:40am 1/22/09 -- Trainer Back on Trial for Horse Abuse: Lubbock man is accused of beating colt to death in Chaparral nearly three years ago. A Texas horse trainer accused of beating a colt to death nearly three years ago in Chaparral is back on trial in a Las Cruces courtroom this week after a mistrial was declared last year, the Las Cruces Sun-News reported. Greg Collier, 38, of Lubbock is accused of extreme animal cruelty for allegedly using excessive and violent means to train a thoroughbred yearling on Feb. 13, 2006, the Sun-News said. After being beaten for about three hours, the colt died of extensive internal injuries the following day, prosecutors alleged. Collier took the stand in his own defense in his previous trial in March 2008, but after more than four hours of deliberation, jurors were unable to reach a verdict and state District Judge Doug Driggers declared a mistrial, the Sun-News said. The retrial, before state District Judge Stephen Bridgforth, began with jury selection on Wednesday and is expected to last through Friday, the paper reported. 6:55am 3/27/08 -- Jury Hangs in Horse-Abuse Trial: Trainer accused of beating thoroughbred to death in Chaparral may be retried. Jurors in Las Cruces deliberated more than four hours Thursday but was unable to reach a verdict in the extreme animal cruelty case against 38-year-old horse trainer Greg Collier, who was accused of beating a thoroughbred yearling to death in Chapparal on Feb. 13, 2006, the Las Cruces Sun-News reported. State District Judge Doug Driggers declared a mistrial and gave the state 30 days to file for a retrial, the Sun-News said. Assistant District Attorney Richard Wellborn said the state won't dismiss the case, the paper reported. Defense attorney Lawrence Pickett told the Sun-News that the jury was split 9-3 for acquittal. "I'm always pleased when my client avoids a guilty verdict by a jury," Pickett said after the mistrial was declared. "It was a tough case. A lot for the jury to understand about how a horse reacts and sees things." Prosecutors have said the 10-month-old horse, which was not owned by Collier, was beaten for about three hours and died of extensive internal injuries, the Sun-News reported. 12:25pm 3/26/08 -- Trainer Accused of Beating Horse to Death: Trial of man charged in 2006 incident could wrap up today in Las Cruces. Closing arguments could be heard today in a Las Cruces courtroom in the trial of 38-year-old Greg Collier, a horse trainer who is accused of beating a thoroughbred yearling to death in Chaparral on Feb. 13, 2006, the Las Cruces Sun-News is reporting. Collier is charged with one count of extreme animal cruelty, a fourth-degree felony that could carry and 18-month prison sentence, for allegedly using excessive and violent means in training the thoroughbred, the Sun-News said. Prosecutors have said the horse, which did not belong to Collier, was beaten for about three hours and died of extensive internal injuries on the following day, the paper reported. |
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Les Trois Inverte Croix
So much is done to cover up the REAL origin of the crosses logo. Why??? Was there something wrong with the history? Twenty years ago the city proudly proclaimed the history that the symbol adopted in their telephone books...but somewhere down the line all memory of it is erased.
Look at the Wikipedia listing:
Origin of name
The origin of the city's name is unknown. In Spanish "Las Cruces" means "the crosses". (Some have claimed an alternative meaning of "the crossroads" but this is grammatically implausible, as "cruce", the singular form of crossroad, is masculine and the phrase would be "Los Cruces".) Robert Julyan writes, [5]:198 "Numerous stories attempt to explain why this city is named "the crosses." Some attribute the name to crosses marking the graves of unfortunates massacred by Apaches."
First colonized in 1598 we look at an area held by both white and the Native Americans. They seemed to co exist fairly well for a long time, but sometime down the road 3 Priests were murdered and the Apache were blamed. But suppose the truth lied in both who killed them, and why they were killed. Rumor has it, that the history was changed when they discovered that the priests murdered were siding with the Indians against the government at the time who wanted their land. The information was in the private diaries of one of the esteemed families of this area, that came to light when they died....And that this family was part of the plot to kill the Priests and massacre the Indians. .....And in all their hypocritical piousness created the 3 Crosses logo to commemorated their lives lost.
So this is why there seems to be such historic amnesia in recent years...BUT this doesn't change the bad karma in this valley. Some say there is something evil here. Look at the logo above. Even it inverted it's self while I wrote this post. Ain't that spooookey! Do you notice something odd now that it's shown in it's proper form? The sun....It's black. As black as the hearts of those who live here.
They say one of the Priest laid a curse on the family and all that inhabit it here, with his dying breath as he gazed into the eyes of his killer............You're All Going To Hell!
Killing Kittens and Crazy People
Here's a another instance or historical evil surround the City of the Inverted Crosses. Location: Behind A Mountian near Dripping Springs.
Boyd Sanitarium/Insane Asylum
The Sanitarium was constructed in 1910 by Nathan Boyd, a medical doctor from Las Cruces. The resort was designed to isolate tuberculosis victims from the booming society in Mesilla and Las Cruces.
About three decades later, it was recommissioned as a mental institute. The patients were treated atrociously and many were killed or exiled, kicked out and left to die in the mountains.
After its short lived era as a luxurious mountain resort, it was condemned and left to the mercy of the elements. Numerous spirits are known to wander the canyon.
Some visitors have reported having nightmares while camping overnight of the people who were involved in the resort's past. Dreams of mental patient beatings, and rows of TB patients undergoing dangerous experiments.
Local urban legends claim that this site is haunted. the stories vary but they often involved the sighting of apparition and allegations of dark occult practices being performed at the site.
It's more than legend that the local Satanic groups go out there and sacrifice small animals. Just ask an Animal Control officer. They know....and do nothing about it. Perhaps the A in A Mountain stand not for Aggies BUT Aseodeus.
The Angels Weep For Your Sins
So who am I to say Las Crucen's don't have ambitions? Historically, even to this very day...They will cover up old grave yards to make way for the living. The Downtown Mall is a great example of that. There used to be a working grave yard in this area up until WWI....Up until a developer decided to pave over them and tear down the church, claiming structural problems, in order to make a few bucks selling the land to local business men. I say to this very day because when they renovated the Rio Grand Theatre, a human skull was found and it was covered up least that the true intent of the land be discovered...It was hallowed and was for the use of the dead.....Not for the living. That's why the malignant spirits haunt the place...keeping it as it should be...DEAD.
The same goes for the town square of Mesilla...........Touristas.....You are stepping on some Grandma's head when you trounce around seeking cheap tourqoise jewelry.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
A Dark Knight's Tale
This morning they announced the Oscar Nominations live. I was watching ABC's local news and they broke in. Then just barely into it, the station inexplicably went to commercial break...a lot of commercial breaks. Then back to the Oscar announcements. They were ending on the Best Picture. How odd. About as odd as most of my clocks were running 6 minutes slow. Today Heath Ledger Died a year ago. Today, even though the Disney owned channel, didn't let the broadcast go uninterrupted, The Joker is the high card. On 2/22 sacrifice of the messianic knight of old will be honored.
In 1680 on February 22 a High Priestess was burned alive at the stake. A sick fuck who sacrificed thousands of children to Satan with the help of the rogue priest, Abbe Guilborg. You know the guy who looks like Dr. Parnassus. ....The hills are alive with the sound of Ave Satanas........
You have to wonder if this all all orchestrated by equally sick fuck heads. After all, the 2/22 was hidden in the Golden Globe award. Can you name it? But what if it is all happening on it's own. Now that's scarey. The blood bath under the reign of The Sun King just might be trying to manifest itself all over again. If so in 31 days...There will be Hell to pay.