Just a thought. Roadrunner Transit in Las Cruces, New Mexico, claimed they needed a fare rate hike when the gas prices hit almost $5.00. They went ahead with it. Now that the gas prices are approximately $1.50...Why do the segment of society that can't afford to pay more, have to shoulder an unfair rate???
There were no improvement of services. The buses still run slow. It takes the average of an hour to get anywhere in town. There still are not enough stops. Many of the drivers are sullen, etc, etc, etc.
So what's the deal here?
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
More Bad Manors
It seems that there was another crumby property here too. I missed looking at that one. But here's a review of Copper Ridge.
I moved into CopperRidge about 5 years ago. When I first moved in it was a medium priced halfway decent apartment complex.
Over the years CopperRidge owners have put NOTHING into maintaining the property. There are decorational walls on the property that are crumbled and in disrepair. The sidewalks are crumbling in places and sinking into the earth in others. The complex is now rundown looking, and the cheap fixtures inside the apartments are starting to come apart under the years of highly mineralized water.
There is a 50/50 chance of successfully washing one's clothes in the laundromat. The dryers take 2, sometimes 3 cycles to dry small loads. Complaints to the rarely present landy result in no action and no refunds for lost money.
The landlady Lupe is rarely present. It seems she only shows up the first week of the month to collect rent, and maybe an hour a day the rest of the time.
If you want to rent an apartment in Las Cruces I highly recommend you move into another place. CopperRidge is currently falling apart and the people who built it do not care, as long as they keep getting paid. Take my advice and move to one of the other apartments on Roadrunner Parkway.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Kitt Dies
I'm not talking about the car. Dummies!... But Eartha Kitt the second Catwoman in the Batman series. Also she did the voice of Yzma in Disney's Emperor's New School. Last episode she ever did was 'A Giftmas Story' . Now isn't that fitting. Since she died Xmas morning.
I always mused that if another Disney old rip died how sweet it would be if it would be on Xmas that she would Pop-pin Off. But knowing her ego she would want to croak on Easter Morn...so she could resurrect herself.
My Baaad!
Merry Xmas To All
Well did you get all you wanted?............You greedy little pigs!....No??? Did someone take the time to pick a gift for you and now you're already getting it bundled up to return to some store. You don't deserve anything you got.
Used to be in times past if you got a gift you took it and thanked the giver....No matter if you liked it or not. If you didn't like it, you never let on, because that was bad manners. But, shit, lack of manners is what society is all about now. It's all about YOU..............NOT!
Just get off it! So what if you didn't get that gaming system, that you just had to have. So what if you didn't get some high priced toy you don't need and will forget about in a week or two. Adult's...If that sweater doesn't fit or it's not the right color....or what ever lame-o reason you have......Give that sweater to someone who needs it. There's lots of people who sit huddled at home in the cold, who can't afford to heat their homes, who would love that sweater...even if your nasty dead heart doesn't.
Be forwarned now......If humanity doesn't stop being such wasteful selfish jerks. The Xmas Werewolf will be your constant companion....In Hell!
Disclaimer: No good babies were hurt in taking of this picture. On the other hand, this baby boy was eaten right after the flash went off.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Piggie Says....BAD FORUM!

A friend of mine wrote me about this NASTY Guinea Pig Forum. She had adopted a piggie about 2 weeks ago from an owner who was worried that her dog or toddler would injure her. Since Maisie Had been a solitary Pig for the past 6 months, she felt she needed a friend. And indeed she did. There were no rescues available. So she checked out a Pet Store. There was this one lone piggie who had been there for 6 months also. Matilda wasn't fancy. Not pretty long hair like our friend above. Just a plain short haired white piggie. Who really sort of looks like a boiled potato with red eyes. But she say's she's sweet anyway.....No one wanted her. So My friend took her home to meet Maisie and they were friends instantly.
She had joined this rather lame Guinea Pig Forum and posted about Maisie..But when she posted about Matilda the Rabid Rescuers went after her like a pack of piranha. They seem to be blind to the fact not all pet stores are animal abusers. There are some damned fine business out there that sell small exotic pets that are disease free. But not to these people. They even said that poor Maisie didn't deserve a home since she came from a pet store. It's hard to believe that they could be so cruel as to pick on the girl like that. They were just as happy to condemn her to a life in a plastic enclosure seeing everyone adopted but her.
So in the typical cowards way. The moderators of this fine forum put her on moderation. My friend let me know of this atrocious behavior. Since I am on a feed, my words will go on forever on the internet, no matter how far this thread is pushed down...or deleted, most likely.
So visit it while you can
This is the girls I thought you'd like to see them..Happy healthy in a nice home.
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Tuesday, December 23, 2008
How Rude!
Well, I've seen it all now. How cold and un-feeling a society must be to have a headline like this on Yahoo News. Or perhaps they are just illiterate and don't know how to express themselves.
"Heath Ledger's death was voted 2008's top entertainment story by U.S. newspaper and broadcast editors surveyed by The Associated Press"
How nice that your death is considered entertainment......I would love to see what Heath would say about that. Some took him as a fool and used him..But who's the fool now?
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Screw The Middle Class
Please Stop Bailing out the Middle Class. They are the problem behind all our economic woes. They are the ones who think they are so intelligent and think that all the other classes in society have to bow to their whims. They greedily whine that all will go to hell if minimum wage goes up to give hard workers a chance at not living under a bush. They are the one who thinks that their children must get all these tax breaks or they will become idiot leeches on society. They are the ones who buy houses at outrageous prices and don't finish paying for them.
Start placing your concern with the poor. Not with the Middle class families who whine cause they can't afford to take the hoard to the movies every week. Who can't afford to eat out at least 75% of the time in restaurants. You used to be one of us. Screw The Middle Class!
Request made by the POOR of the USA
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Here's Valentina!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Travesties in Time
Being that my eyes are not covered with blinkers, like so much of humanity, I see why thing aren't as they seem.
Let's take the fairy tale of Jeanna D'Arc DuLys or simply Jeanna Romee, as was customary sher last name was her mother's, not her father's, but as names were twisted for the sake of time she became known as, Joan of Arc. This one blimp in history is by far the biggest travesty of the Christian Church. They burn someone then declare her innocent...AFTER THE FACT. Then you make her a Sainte. What a pile of BULLSHIT!
Now I'm not going over the usual rigmarole over this person, but there are a couple of things not taken into account.
They say she was a virgin....When she wasn't...In fact her lover, who fought by her side went mad on seeing her executed. His name was Gilles de Rais. Who became quite the mass murderer of his time and was known as Bluebeard. It was said that he wanted to regain his fortune by sacrificing boys to a demon. This is what started it...but there are things that he thought he could regain by the spilling of copeus amounts of blood. This I will explain in a moment.
They say that they burned her several times over to keep from any relics from being taken.....No. The church was all about relics. It was quite the little side business, they wouldn't have given this up.....At the first burning the priest who presided over her murder saw something he was not expecting......She was expecting. The form of the chard baby was there to be seen by all. Not only did the church kill an innocent woman, but killed innocence it's self when her child died at their hands.. This church of God had to cover up their crime. So they kept burning until nothing but ash was there and they disposed of it all in the Seine.
Gilles thought his sacrifices could bring back his love and his baby. This was the true impetus of his insanity. Obviously this was for not....And eventually he was tried and hung for his crimes.
But should it have not been the church who hung too? Their web of deception and lies and the betrayal of the crown caused ALL of it. Could it be that all the religious slaughter that occurred each century in Paris was because of this one blip? Karma can be a bitch when crossed! It was said that all who witness this crime saw something escape from the flame...And it wasn't smoke that rose to the heavens.
They say that Jeanna requested that a cross be held before her eyes as she burned to death. Was this an act of a future saint? Or was this there to remind her who was responsible for her betrayal and death....So in future lifetimes she would eventually know who the enemy was...Who the real source of evil was.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Child Of Terror
Today is the 157th anniversary of La Dauphine's death. I reserved this date to put up data here.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Marie-Thérèse of France
Queen consort of France and of Navarre
Marie-Thérèse in 1827
August 2, 1830 for 20 minutes
Consort to
Louis XIX
DetailTitles and styles
HM Queen Marie-Thérèse-CharlotteHM The QueenHRH The Dauphine of FranceHRH The Duchess of AngoulêmeHRH Madame Royale
Royal house
House of Bourbon
Louis XVI of France
Marie Antoinette
December 19, 1778(1778-12-19)Château de Versailles, France
October 19, 1851 (aged 72)Frohsdorf, Austria
Marie-Thérèse-Charlotte of France (19 December 1778 – 19 October 1851) was the eldest child of King Louis XVI of France and his wife, Queen Marie Antoinette. As the daughter of the king, she was a Fille de France. Until her marriage to the eldest son of Charles X, the court referred to her by the traditional honorific of Madame Royale.
Once married, she assumed her husband's title and was known as the duchesse d'Angoulême. She became the Dauphine of France upon the accession of her father-in-law to the throne of France in 1824. She was Queen of France for twenty minutes, in 1830, between the time her father-in-law signed the instrument of abdication and the time her husband, reluctantly, signed the same document, twenty minutes later.
Marie-Thérèse was the first child and eldest daughter of King Louis XVI of France and his wife, Queen Marie Antoinette. Although people throughout France had been praying for the birth of a male child since the marriage of the royal couple in 1770, the queen greeted her daughter's birth with delight:
Poor little thing; you are not what they wanted, but we will love you nonetheless. A son would have belonged to the State; 'you' shall be mine, and have all my care; you shall share in my happiness and soften my sorrows
she said as they placed the baby in her arms. The baby princess was named after the queen's mother, the Holy Roman Empress Maria Theresa. As the eldest daughter of the French king, she was officially known as Madame Royale.
Life at Versailles
Marie-Thérèse-Charlotte with her mother, Marie Antoinette, and brother at Versailles.
Madame Royale's household was headed by her governess, the princesse de Guémenée, who was later replaced by one of the queen's closest friends, the duchesse de Polignac. King Louis XVI was an affectionate father, who delighted in spoiling his daughter and giving her anything she wanted. Marie-Thérèse appreciated him much more than her mother. Marie Antoinette was stricter and was determined that her daughter should not grow up to be as haughty as her husband's unmarried aunts. She often invited children from working-class districts to come and dine with Marie-Thérèse and encouraged the child to give her toys to the poor.
In contrast to her image as a materialistic queen who ignored the plight of the poor, Marie Antoinette at various times attempted to teach her daughter about the sufferings of others. On New Year's Day in 1784, she had some beautiful toys brought to Marie-Thérèse's nursery.
I should have liked to have given you all these as New Year's gifts, the queen said, but the winter is very hard, there is a crowd of unhappy people who have no bread to eat, no clothes to wear, no wood to make a fire. I have given them all my money; I have none left to buy you presents, so there will be none this year.
Marie-Thérèse of France as a young refugee in Vienna in 1795 soon after her departure from Revolutionary France.
Marie-Thérèse was joined in the nursery by two brothers, Louis-Joseph-Xavier-François in 1781 and Louis-Charles in 1785, and a younger sister, Sophie-Hélène-Béatrix in 1786.
[edit] Life during the Revolution
As Marie-Thérèse grew, the French Revolution was building outside the palace. Social discontent mixed with a crippling budget deficit provoked an outburst of anti-absolutist sentiment. By 1789, France was hurtling toward revolt as the result of bankruptcy brought on by the country's support of the American Revolution and high food prices due to drought, all of which was exacerbated by propagandists whose central object of scorn and ridicule was Queen Marie Antoinette.
As the attacks upon the Queen grew ever more vicious, the popularity of the monarchy plummeted. Inside Versailles, court jealousies and xenophobia were the principle causes of resentment and anger towards the Queen. Her unpopularity with certain powerful members of the court, including the Duke of Orléans, led to the printing and distribution of scurrilous pamphlets which accused the Queen of a range of sexual depravities as well as of spending the country into financial ruin. While it is now generally agreed that the Queen's actions did little to provoke such animosity, the damage these papers inflicted upon the monarchy proved to be a catalyst for the upheaval to come.
The worsening political situation however had little effect on Marie-Thérèse. A more immediate tragedy struck when her younger sister, Sophie, died in 1787. This was to be followed not long after by the Dauphin, Louis-Joseph's death from consumption at the height of the political crisis in early 1789.
Move to the Tuileries
With the Bastille was stormed by an angry mob on July 14, 1789 the situation became more critical. The young Madame Royale's life began to be personally affected as several members of the royal household were sent abroad for their own safety. Marie-Thérèse's uncle, the Comte d'Artois, was sent abroad on the orders of Louis XVI. Due to her mother's particularly low esteem, those associated with her were also deemed in danger. This included Marie-Thérèse's governess, the Duchess de Polignac, who fled to Switzerland to escape possible assassination.
The Duchess de Polignac was replaced by the stern marquise de Tourzel. The marquise's daughter, Pauline, would become a life-long friend of the Princess.
In October of 1789, the palace was besieged by a hungry mob who were intent on acquiring food they falsely believed to be stored at Versailles and possibly murdering the Queen. While the Royal Family was not harmed, the mob assaulted the palace and demanded the King return to Paris. Outnumbered, unsure of the army's loyalty and aware of the potentially violent results of refusal, Louis XVI capitulated. Marie-Thérèse and her family were taken to the Tuileries Palace where they were placed under virtual house arrest.
The Orphan in the Temple
As the political situation deteriorated, the king and queen came to the decision that their lives were in danger. The queen was also convinced that France's future lay in the royal family escaping Paris and its revolutionary atmosphere. They hoped to make it to the northeastern fortress of Montmédy, which was a royalist stronghold. Their attempted flight away from the city was intercepted in Varennes where they were arrested and escorted back to Paris.
The Temple
In August 1792, the entire family was imprisoned in the Temple Fortress after the monarchy was abolished. In January 1793, Marie-Thérèse's father, Louis XVI, was sent to the guillotine. Father and daughter had always been very close, and his death devastated the surviving family.
The following July, guards entered the royal family's rooms and took away Marie-Thérèse's young brother, the future Louis XVII. The three women left in the fortress were Marie Antoinette, Marie-Thérèse and Louis XVI's youngest sister, Madame Élisabeth. Of these three, only Marie-Thérèse survived the Reign of Terror.
Marie Antoinette's death
In October 1793, Marie Antoinette was taken to the Conciergerie Prison and accused of treason, incest with her son and other perversions. While there was no evidence to support the latter charges, it was well known that the former queen engaged in extensive covert correspondence with foreign powers during the Revolution. Regardless, it was a foregone conclusion that she would be declared guilty. She was executed by Charles Henri Sanson, the former royal executioner, on 16 October. In May 1794, Marie-Thérèse's aunt Élisabeth was taken from her in the middle of the night, and executed the following day.
During the remainder of her imprisonment in the tower of the Temple, Marie-Thérèse was never told what had happened to her family. All she knew was that her father was dead, and she felt alone in the world. The following words are scratched on the wall of her room in the tower: "Marie-Thérèse is the most unhappy creature in the world. She can obtain no news of her mother; nor be reunited to her, though she has asked it a thousand times." "Live, my good mother! whom I love well, but of whom I can hear no tidings." "O my father! watch over me from heaven above, life was so cruel to her." "O my God! forgive those who have made my family die."
On the 11th of May Maximilien Robespierre visited Marie-Thérèse in prison, but there is no record of the conversation. It was only once the Reign of Terror subsided that Marie-Thérèse was allowed to leave France. She was taken to Vienna, the capital city of her cousin, the Holy Roman Emperor Francis II.
Life as an émigrée
Marie-Thérèse later left Vienna and moved to Mitau, Courland (now Jelgava, Latvia), where her father's eldest surviving brother, the comte de Provence, lived as a guest of Tsar Paul I of Russia. He had proclaimed himself King of France as Louis XVIII after the death of Marie-Thérèse's brother. With no children of his own, he wished his niece to marry Louis-Antoine, duc d'Angoulême, his nephew and her cousin, who would be the eventual dynastic heir to the throne of France. Marie-Thérèse agreed unquestioningly, happy only to be part of a family again.
Louis-Antoine was a shy, stammering, diffident young man. His father, the comte d'Artois, who viewed his eldest son as a crass embarrassment, tried to persuade Louis XVIII against the marriage. The wedding, however, went ahead in 1799. The couple had no children.
In England
The royal family moved to Great Britain, where they settled in Buckinghamshire. Marie-Thérèse's uncle and father-in-law, the comte d'Artois, spent most of his time in Edinburgh, where he had been given apartments at Holyrood House. The long years of exile ended with the abdication of Napoleon I in 1814, when the royal family was restored to the French throne.
The Bourbon Restoration
Louis XVIII attempted to steer a middle-course between liberals and the Ultra-royalists led by his younger brother, the comte d'Artois. He also attempted to suppress the many gentlemen who claimed to be Marie-Thérèse's long-lost younger brother, Louis XVII. Needless to say, these claimants caused the princess a good deal of emotional distress.
Marie-Thérèse found her return emotionally draining and she was deeply distrustful of the many Frenchmen who had supported either the republic or Napoleon I of France's rule. She visited the site where her brother had died, and the cemetery where her parents and aunt Madame Élisabeth were buried. The royal remains were re-buried in Saint-Denis Basilica, the royal necropolis of France, in January 1815.
In March 1815 Napoléon returned to France and rapidly began to gain supporters and raised an army, in the period known as the One Hundred Days. Louis XVIII fled France, but Marie-Thérèse, who was in Bordeaux at the time, attempted to rally the local troops. The troops agreed to defend her but not to cause a civil war with Napoléon's troops. Marie Thérèse stayed in Bordeaux despite Napoléon's orders for her to be arrested when his army arrived. Believing her cause was lost and to spare Bordeaux senseless destruction, she finally agreed to flee. Her actions caused Napoléon to remark that she was the "only man in her family."
After Napoléon was defeated at Waterloo on 18 June 1815, the House of Bourbon was restored for a second time.
Tragedy struck when the comte d'Artois' younger son, the duc de Berry, was assassinated by the anti-Bourbon Pierre Louvel, a saddler, on 13 February 1820. Although his father never recovered from the loss, the royal family was cheered when the duchesse de Berry was discovered to have become pregnant by her husband prior to his death. The pregnancy resulted in the birth of Henri, duc de Bordeaux, the so-called "Miracle Child", who later as the Bourbon pretender to the French throne assumed the title of comte de Chambord.
Madame la Dauphine
Profile of Madame Royale
Louis XVIII died on 16 September 1824 and was succeeded by his younger brother, the comte d'Artois, as Charles X. Marie-Thérèse's husband, Louis-Antoine, was now heir to the throne, and she was addressed as Madame la Dauphine. However, anti-monarchist feeling was on the rise again. Charles's ultra-royalist sympathies alienated many members of the working and middle-class.
There was an uprising in 1830 in which the royal family was betrayed by their cousin, Louis-Philippe, duc d'Orléans, who implied to the Chambre des Députés that Charles had abdicated absolutely when he had in fact nominated his grandson, the duc de Bordeaux, to be the new king. The abdication of Charles X was followed twenty minutes later by the abdication of Louis-Antoine. This deception worked, and Louis-Philippe became king.
Marie-Thérèse chose to go into exile with her uncle and husband rather than stay in a France ruled by Louis-Philippe. They sailed to Britain in 1830.
Final exile
The royal family lived in Edinburgh until 1833 when the former king chose to move to Prague as a guest of Marie-Thérèse's cousin, the Emperor Francis II of Austria. They moved into the opulent luxury of Schloss-Hradschin. Later, the royal family left Prague and moved to the estate of Count Coronini near Gorizia, Italy. Marie-Thérèse devotedly nursed her uncle through his last illness there in 1836, when he died of cholera.
Marie-Thérèse's husband died in 1844, and he was buried next to his father. Marie-Thérèse then moved to the castle of Frohsdorf, just outside of Vienna. She spent her days there walking, reading, praying and sewing. Her nephew, who now styled himself as the comte de Chambord, and his sister joined her there. In 1848 France became a republic, after Louis-Philippe's reign ended in another revolution.
Marie-Thérèse died of pneumonia on 19 October 1851. It was three days after the fifty-eighth anniversary of the execution of her mother, Marie Antoinette.
Thank all Frenchmen who have remained attached to my family and to me, for the proofs of devotion that they have given us and for the sufferings they have endured for our sakes. I pray God to shower his blessings upon France that I have always loved, even in the time of my bitterest afflictions
After Death
Like her deceased uncle, Marie-Thérèse had remained a devout and sincere Roman Catholic. She was buried in the Bourbon family crypt in the Franciscan monastery of Castagnavizza in Gorizia, Italy (now on the Slovenian side of the border in Nova Gorica), with her father-in-law, King Charles X and her husband, Louis-Antoine.
Later, her nephew, the comte de Chambord, the last male of the senior line of French Bourbons; his wife, the comtesse de Chambord (formerly the Archduchess Marie-Thérèse of Austria-Este, daughter of Duke Francis IV of Modena and his wife, Princess Maria Beatrice of Savoy); and the comte's only sister, Louise, Duchess of Parma were also buried there. Another occupant of the crypt is the famous antiquarian, the duc de Blacas, who was allowed to be buried there in honor of his dutiful years of service as a minister to Kings Louis XVIII and Charles X.
Marie-Thérèse is described on her gravestone as the Queen Dowager of France, a reference to her husband's twenty-minute rule as King Louis XIX of France.
In fiction
Marie-Thérèse has appeared in several motion picture adaptations, mainly to do with her mother's life.
In 1938 she was played by Marilyn Knowlden in Marie-Antoinette, opposite Norma Shearer as the queen.
In 1975, in the French television drama Marie-Antoinette, Marie-Thérèse was played by Anne-Laura Meury.
In 1989 she was played by Katherine Flynn in The French Revolution. Katherine's on-screen mother, Marie Antoinette, was played by her real mother, Jane Seymour.
In 2001, Marie-Thérèse's character appeared briefly in the costume-drama The Affair of the Necklace opposite Joely Richardson as Queen Marie Antoinette.
In 2006, Marie Antoinette, directed by Sofia Coppola was released. Marie-Thérèse was played by two different actresses. At age two, she was played by Lauriane Mascaro, and at age six she was played by Florrie Betts. Kirsten Dunst starred as her mother, Marie Antoinette.
Recently, Marie-Thérèse's character appeared in a Northern Irish play on the mystery of Louis XVII. The characters of Louis XVII, Charles X and the princess's governess Louise-Élisabeth de Tourzel also appeared. The monarchist author of the play, All Those Who Suffered, explains his inspiration at http://www.royaltymonarchy.com/opinion/articles/russell.html
Marie-Thérèse's life provided inspiration for the novel Madame Royale by Elena Maria Vidal. It was a sequel to Vidal's novel Trianon, which looked at Versailles before the Revolution.
More recently, author Sharon Stewart wrote a historical fiction novel based on the writings of Marie-Thérèse, The Journal of Madame Royale. She first titled her book The Dark Tower, since part of it takes place in the Tower where the princess and her family were kept, but after it became part of a series called "Beneath the Crown", the title was changed to The Princess in the Tower.
Mon Marie
I viewed Marie Anoinette today starting around noonish. I thought it was rather long and quite slow and boring. But it was beautifully shot. The sound could have been done better, it was low leval and the actors tended to mumble their lines as it was.
Any special revelations after watching it? No. It didn't go past the point where the family fled Versailles. The trauma of the events after would not have set in, having the movie drop at this point. perhaps it's for the best....There's always the book.
After the movie I put on V/V Louis Says and Living In The Shadows ONLY ending on exactly 2:22pm
Any special revelations after watching it? No. It didn't go past the point where the family fled Versailles. The trauma of the events after would not have set in, having the movie drop at this point. perhaps it's for the best....There's always the book.
After the movie I put on V/V Louis Says and Living In The Shadows ONLY ending on exactly 2:22pm
Saturday, October 18, 2008
I took a tour around town to find books and the ellusive DVD. I found the book on which the film was based, but nothing on Marie Therese. Then later on I found the DVD used at Hollywood Video.
I will save the viewing of it until tomorrow.
I will save the viewing of it until tomorrow.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Mal Energies
How Funny the energies surrounding the journey to discovery of this lifetime seems to be reinacting a trail of destruction. But the blood shed during the revolution on innocent people may have something to do with it. People die, but memories do not, nor do the energies that may have created it.
What am I saying? Marie Marguerite Monvoisin did Louis XIV a service by saving his life and having the horror that her stepmother created destroyed. It is obvious that she would be reborn to the royal family of the reverse number. XIV to XVI. And like what La Voisin did to her family Marie went to a family that would have their blood shed also in the rabid maddness of the time.
Was La Voisin around in physical form them or was a just her filthy spirit lingering over Paris, like a spector of Hell tha inspired this revenge on those who burned her at the stake? It's hard to tell.
The day Levi died I took back one of my DVD's of Whatz-Her-Face that I sold off 2 weeks prior. It was Victor/Victoria. Why? Because She Who Won't Be Named had a musical number in it....Louis Says. A Mockery that kept of the lies on Marie Antoinette. Not to mention the song Living In The Shadows.
I was going to buy the 2006 version of Marie Antoinette at the same time, but there was not one copy of it at the largest entertainment stores in town.
What am I saying? Marie Marguerite Monvoisin did Louis XIV a service by saving his life and having the horror that her stepmother created destroyed. It is obvious that she would be reborn to the royal family of the reverse number. XIV to XVI. And like what La Voisin did to her family Marie went to a family that would have their blood shed also in the rabid maddness of the time.
Was La Voisin around in physical form them or was a just her filthy spirit lingering over Paris, like a spector of Hell tha inspired this revenge on those who burned her at the stake? It's hard to tell.
The day Levi died I took back one of my DVD's of Whatz-Her-Face that I sold off 2 weeks prior. It was Victor/Victoria. Why? Because She Who Won't Be Named had a musical number in it....Louis Says. A Mockery that kept of the lies on Marie Antoinette. Not to mention the song Living In The Shadows.
I was going to buy the 2006 version of Marie Antoinette at the same time, but there was not one copy of it at the largest entertainment stores in town.
Four Tops-Minus One
Levi Stubbs of the musical group, the Four Tops died. Oct 17, 2008. He was born 6/6/36. I remember seeing them perform at Disneyland back in the 70's.
Funny how it's seems to reflect the picture of the children. But unlike the representaion of a family handed down over the centuries, the memory of Levi will fade, as does all celebrities. Such a big deal is made over them at the time....Until the next one dies and they are pushed down the list into obscurity.
Funny how it's seems to reflect the picture of the children. But unlike the representaion of a family handed down over the centuries, the memory of Levi will fade, as does all celebrities. Such a big deal is made over them at the time....Until the next one dies and they are pushed down the list into obscurity.
A Journey-Part Trois
So who was this child? Her name was Marie Therese Charlotte. Born 1/19/1778--Died 10/19/1851. The first born child of Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI. The boy in the portrait was her brother, Louis Joseph, born 10/22/1781. The Dauphin of France. He died young of consumption 6/4/1789.
It was then her second brother, Louis Charles, became Dauphin. He was born 3/27/1785. Lived long enough to be stolen from his family and sent to live with a crude man who saw to it than he eventually died 6/8/1795. Buried 6/10/1795. Louis was told his family no long wanted him.
She had a sister, Sophie Hélène Béatrix, who was born 7/9/1786 and died in infancy 6/19/1789.
The portrait here depicts the family. The empty cradle represent Sophie.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
When Fairies Die
Edie Adams, born April 16, 1927, who played the Fairy Godmother in Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella (1957), died 10/15/2008.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
A Journey-Part Deux
So I continued to scan the personages of the time. Who Had Marie Marguerite Monvoisin become? She lived a long life and died at home in 1764. To fit into this time period she would have to have reincarnated in a short period of time. But then I am known for a short turn around time between lifetimes.
Then I found this portrait that elicited a direct emotional reaction. Was I this girl?
I briefly scanned the biographical data....Yet I waited on the conclusion.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Son Of France Dies
Guillaume Depardieu, son of Gerard, born April 7, 1971 died of a sudden case of pneumonia on October 13, 2008.
Monday, October 13, 2008
A Jouney
It was a short time ago a friend emailed me with an experience she had when she visited Versailles. She had gone into an area that wasn't normally visited by tourists and had a vision of blood on a white marble pillar. She was told this was where the bread women broke into the palace and murdered several people on Oct 5th, 1789. All in the name of the madness called The Revolution.
This story stuck in the back of my mind. And since this person seems to be able to psychically read me remotely since she lives a couple of thousand miles away, I wondered if she was picking up on a lifetime of mine.
I never studied this time, so on the way to work, I ran a brief search. I ran accross a woman of note, but it seems I was on the wrong path. I wasn't in any rush so I waited.........
This story stuck in the back of my mind. And since this person seems to be able to psychically read me remotely since she lives a couple of thousand miles away, I wondered if she was picking up on a lifetime of mine.
I never studied this time, so on the way to work, I ran a brief search. I ran accross a woman of note, but it seems I was on the wrong path. I wasn't in any rush so I waited.........
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Getting Rid Of Rubbish
It's so nice that when you buy DVD's that there are places to sell the stuff off when you don't want it around. I did just that last week.
My Harry Potter collection went first. I really got sick of it...especially after that author said Dumbledore was gay...You know, I am sooo sick of how that community pushes their life style down everyone's throats. My thing is...WHO GIVES A SHIT! It was a nice set of movies without putting that crap out.
Then I dumped the Pirates of The Caribbean collection along with the rest of the Disney stray movies.....Remember...."The Black Queen Trumps All"
Oh yer and what was left of Whatz-Her-Faces junk was dumped off too. There was one CD I couldn't ditch. It's a rare edition of an older release. I may just sell it on Ebay to see what I can get for it. It was worth nothing at Hastings....or I may just chuck in in the dumpster.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Oh Well....So Sad!
Saturday Night Live was on last night and Anne Hathaway, the hostess, did a skit dressed as Mary Poppins saying that she had a contagious liver disease, to explain what the word Supercalifrag...means, to the children. Which Burt and the Policeman has also, might I add. This was a bit freaky and not funny, but since Whatz-Her-Face uses people to convey messages, it could be that she and that troll she's married to has some sort of liver problems. I've seen pictures of both of them in the past where they are quite jaunticed looking....Oh well ain't that just too bad.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Free-ed The Dragon
So many people think that Jesus was a wimp with the teaching about turning the other cheek. I beg to differ. You see Jesus was one of the master wizards of his time, before he went mad and started to think he was the son of god. This tends to happen to people who mess with magick. But with such a simple concept as turning the other cheek, he was saying that, if one does not relatiate in the physical world, the powers that be will take care of the problem. But one has to completely turn their back on their enemy and get to the point where you do not care what happens to them. You see if you habor ANY simpathy to---whom ever. It will not work.
Delting Oooold Trash
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
A Waste Of Space
I was thinking about doing a celebrity birthday announcement on my blog...Then I suddenly realized...The date I picked... October 1st...No one of any account was born.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Words Are Power
Have you wondered why I do NOT mention 'What's Her Face's name in my new blog? I'll bet you think it has something to do with a legal thingy...NOPE!
If I gave her space here by usuing her name and image, I give her power in my life. She has no power here and as such you will never see her name here, just an occasional jab at allusions to who she is.....But she knows who and what she is...I don't have to tell her.
Destroying Love
I ran across this article that I feel it is of note. Could it be true? Is man so sick in the soul that he seeks his own destruction? I sit here listening to the History Channel, on the scientific take on how all life will cease in the universe. Just like another creation of humans, the Bible, it creates Fairy Tales of Destruction to scare the monkey people that follow it unquestioned. Science who knows nothing of reality or truth, except what it can profit on, creates their own truths, based on nothing but sick imaginations.
An ancient text was found recently in Jordon, It is not being covered by the press because of it's indictment of humanity as a whole, as being responsible for their own destruction.
It was fortold milleniums ago in Hebriaci that in the begining the planet was made and populated by physical forms. These forms were made to keep the balance between the spirit relm and the physical plane. With out the balance, the spirit world could break free and invade the phyical world, with dire consequences to follow.
Have you ever wondered why man, except those extrodinarily gifted, cannot detect the 'other side', but all the other inhabitants can? The text states that the creator imbued the innocent in spirit with this ablity. They as a result could keep the spirits, both good and bad where they belong, for the other side does not being brought into the light, to be exposed.
Because of the fall man, except for their children, had the ability to decern the spirits, but their corruption and ways of death took it away. And the more they destroy the thinner the etherial veil becomes.
Killing their own children has become the norm. Killing their own pets have become the norm. Which is ironic because the very creator they worship placed them as comapanions to protect them. Without them they are open to all sorts of spirit invasions. They kill the wildlife. Why? Because the wild cares not for man and his ways.
What will become of all this folly of an insane creation that looks foward to it's own destruction. What will happen if he continues to kill? The scrolls say that once the balance is lost the gates will be opened. And all those in the spirit will flood this planet. And since the two elements cannot mix. It will destroy all physical life.
This has happened before...We as a species has destoyed every planet in this solar system, repeating the same mistakes over and over again. Yet we keep up the same behavior.
Where will the gates be opened? The scroll crytically alludes to a place of crosses. Could this be the holy land? Could this be The Vatican? Or could this be a place unexpected?
I only know that if you seek your own death...Then keep up your ways of madness. Look not to Satan for your down fall...Just look into the mirror...The time is short.
Concerning the article below: It is highly probable that the darkness of man's soul could want is own death even from the other side. Being free of it's body, yet not free of what it's all about, the sickness grows.
Letting your children play with Ouija Boards is foolishness beyoond folly in this time. What appears to be a childish game has lent it's self to being a tool to weaken the veil.
The Wages Of Sin
It was fortold milleniums ago in Hebriaci that in the begining the planet was made and populated by physical forms. These forms were made to keep the balance between the spirit relm and the physical plane. With out the balance, the spirit world could break free and invade the phyical world, with dire consequences to follow.
Have you ever wondered why man, except those extrodinarily gifted, cannot detect the 'other side', but all the other inhabitants can? The text states that the creator imbued the innocent in spirit with this ablity. They as a result could keep the spirits, both good and bad where they belong, for the other side does not being brought into the light, to be exposed.
Because of the fall man, except for their children, had the ability to decern the spirits, but their corruption and ways of death took it away. And the more they destroy the thinner the etherial veil becomes.
Killing their own children has become the norm. Killing their own pets have become the norm. Which is ironic because the very creator they worship placed them as comapanions to protect them. Without them they are open to all sorts of spirit invasions. They kill the wildlife. Why? Because the wild cares not for man and his ways.
What will become of all this folly of an insane creation that looks foward to it's own destruction. What will happen if he continues to kill? The scrolls say that once the balance is lost the gates will be opened. And all those in the spirit will flood this planet. And since the two elements cannot mix. It will destroy all physical life.
This has happened before...We as a species has destoyed every planet in this solar system, repeating the same mistakes over and over again. Yet we keep up the same behavior.
Where will the gates be opened? The scroll crytically alludes to a place of crosses. Could this be the holy land? Could this be The Vatican? Or could this be a place unexpected?
I only know that if you seek your own death...Then keep up your ways of madness. Look not to Satan for your down fall...Just look into the mirror...The time is short.
Friday, September 26, 2008
My Book
Like my mentor, who writes prolifically also, I will be following in her footsteps story telling wise also. As I said that my book is a fictionalized historical drama about a character's exploration of her past lives. It starts in her prison cell, where she was sent by Louis XIV, along with two of her stepmother's coven mates. After the last one died and Louis was satisfied that no more of La Voisin's cult was alive, Marguerite Monvoisin was allowed to return to Paris and lived her life out there under the protection of the Sun King. In the first few chapters it divulgues that she had a future role to play in other lifetimes, that was very important as to the survival of this planet. This revolved around who she had been in prior lifetimes, particularly one where a great injustice had been dealt her by both Crown and Church. Louis came himself to her island prison to release her and pass on the cryptic message that would follow her through all lifetimes ending in the......Oh I better stop here. I mean, why would you want to buy the book if I told you everything about it.....Read all about it when it is published by Harper Collins.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Oh Poor Sweeney!
So Much for Sweeney Todd. He dropped dead the evening after the dream. He wasn't a very nice bird. He always tried to bite and wouldn't let go of what ever trauma humans had caused him, before I took him home from the pet store.
I guess Old Fairiies don't have it anymore.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Freakish Fairy Queen
I had a dreadfull dream where I was observing what's her face cavorting around in a freakish fairy costume. Ending seeing her hanging in a stairwell by her neck.
I checked around and no little innocent animals dropped dead, but I wasn't in the dream I was only observing it in the third person.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
5-6-7 All Tony's Go To Heaven
Silence Of The Damned
You want to hear something creepy....Heath Ledger's widow or what ever you want to call her, Michelle Williams, went onto start dating Spike Jonze not long after her grief subsided...But then she did know him before. Spikes birthday is 10/22...Does that date look a bit familiar??? It should. Delete the Zero and you have 1/22 the date Heath died.....Co-Incidence?
Becareful guys....Not everything dies..As you wanted. If you thought the curse of Dark Knight was bad...Just you wait!
Nice Surpises
I may have died 9/7 in 1951, but in 2008 things can turn around on such a date.....First something very nice happened in the morning...What??? None of your damned business. But later on Mr. Don Haskins dropped dead, you know the coach portrayed in Disney's Glory Road. The boobs in El Paso yapped incessantly about it...on and on and on and on for months. They even named a road after that dumb assed movie....Right now all 3 local channels is doing a memorial service for the jerk....Well someday they will shut up about it. I mean no matter how hickish they act now, they will move on.
Also to top off the Sunday...No Pun intended. From celebrity-dum. An actor who's last role was playing God and another actor who had a form of my birthday...All got to go Bye Bye with the coach.
Also to top off the Sunday...No Pun intended. From celebrity-dum. An actor who's last role was playing God and another actor who had a form of my birthday...All got to go Bye Bye with the coach.
Wishing Away A Star
If this just doesn't beat all...The other day I visited good old JA Online. The first time in a long time and I saw something I just need to comment on especially since I saw it the following posts were deleted. Anyway one of her fans had a dream about Carol Burnett dying (see below) and being so confident that dreams of the such meant the oposite, the little cookoos of doom chirped in saying they wanted to have a dream of what's her face dropping dead...The others were the parts deleted, it was left in the original post but all there after were dumped.
Oh my dear...You have such loyal fans who want to see you 6 feet under...It is just so heart warming!
Too bad they don't know what a pregonative dream is....And the power of affirmations...But then they know everything.
"So long....farewell....auf Wiedersehen...adieu...."
Oh my dear...You have such loyal fans who want to see you 6 feet under...It is just so heart warming!
Too bad they don't know what a pregonative dream is....And the power of affirmations...But then they know everything.
"So long....farewell....auf Wiedersehen...adieu...."
Queen Clarisse OfflinePosts: 686
♥ Tea party ♥
Re: Dreams with our Dame
« Reply #125 on: September 03, 2008, 01:49:02 pm »
Maria, your dream was soooo awesome! Damned dog that waked you up Last night I've dreamt about Julie, but unfortanetely my dream wasn't as long as yours. And it wasn't so happy, because in my dream Carol has died!!! And Julie was there, and me too (I don't know how could I get there, but in our dreams everything is possible), we cried, and Julie seemed to be inconsolable what I understood very well, because she's lost her best friend... She said something about their friendship and Carol which I can't clearly remember, then I woke up. But here comes the positive part: When we dream of a death it means long life! If someone dies in a dream, that means he/she will live so long! I believe in dream-analyzing. So Carol will live a very long life!!!! That's why I'm happy I've dreamt these. I hope someday I will dream about Julie's death... Just don't get me wrong... Then she would live sooo long as well. But I know she will! Let's hope they'll have sooooo many years left! At least 30 or even more
Queen Clarisse OfflinePosts: 686
♥ Tea party ♥
Re: Dreams with our Dame
« Reply #125 on: September 03, 2008, 01:49:02 pm »
Maria, your dream was soooo awesome! Damned dog that waked you up Last night I've dreamt about Julie, but unfortanetely my dream wasn't as long as yours. And it wasn't so happy, because in my dream Carol has died!!! And Julie was there, and me too (I don't know how could I get there, but in our dreams everything is possible), we cried, and Julie seemed to be inconsolable what I understood very well, because she's lost her best friend... She said something about their friendship and Carol which I can't clearly remember, then I woke up. But here comes the positive part: When we dream of a death it means long life! If someone dies in a dream, that means he/she will live so long! I believe in dream-analyzing. So Carol will live a very long life!!!! That's why I'm happy I've dreamt these. I hope someday I will dream about Julie's death... Just don't get me wrong... Then she would live sooo long as well. But I know she will! Let's hope they'll have sooooo many years left! At least 30 or even more
Where Have I Been?
Enjoying myself!........And writing a book. It's a historical novel that spans many centuries. Some of it is based on fact...Some on probabilities...Some on prophecies.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
The Return of The Damned
What if the whole lot of the evil ones from Paris had returned and created lives in this time...They have you know...I know too.
It's such a shame that they wasted their talents under the thumb of La Voisin.
It's such a shame that they wasted their talents under the thumb of La Voisin.
Betrayals in Blood
I had made some assumptions long ago as to who really blew the top off of the nasty satanist of the time and got most of them executed. There was only one person who could have betrayed the plot to kill the king and that was Marie-Marguerite. She knew everything her wicked stepmother was doing and when she heard this one.....It was the last straw...Or was it? Was there something else that REALLY made her take action? She had no particular love for Louis. After all he had his hand in all of it too.
Could it be she overheard one thing too many?
While in a nearby shop she did hear something. One of La Voisin's cronies, whom appeared to be drunk as a skunk, was shooting off her mouth about how she was paid by her stepmother to get rid of Antoine's wife...Her mother. She slobbered and slurred on about how, just like now she gave her a pair of gloves soaked in poison......and said that once Catherine set her eyes on something she wanted that she would stop at nothing to get it. Marie-Marguerite thought that she meant that she lusted after her father. When in truth what she wore on her hand is what she would give her soul for.
The next statement went on deaf ears, enraged in the knowledge that she killed her mother....The crone said, "But it went to that brat of hers. She's going to have to get rid of her if she ever expects to have it" Marie-Marguerite may not have heard but the ring did. And since it was charged to protect her.....It did so....In as vicious a manner as La Voisin was planning on disposing of it's owner.
Could it be she overheard one thing too many?
While in a nearby shop she did hear something. One of La Voisin's cronies, whom appeared to be drunk as a skunk, was shooting off her mouth about how she was paid by her stepmother to get rid of Antoine's wife...Her mother. She slobbered and slurred on about how, just like now she gave her a pair of gloves soaked in poison......and said that once Catherine set her eyes on something she wanted that she would stop at nothing to get it. Marie-Marguerite thought that she meant that she lusted after her father. When in truth what she wore on her hand is what she would give her soul for.
The next statement went on deaf ears, enraged in the knowledge that she killed her mother....The crone said, "But it went to that brat of hers. She's going to have to get rid of her if she ever expects to have it" Marie-Marguerite may not have heard but the ring did. And since it was charged to protect her.....It did so....In as vicious a manner as La Voisin was planning on disposing of it's owner.
Monday, July 7, 2008
La Fille Du Monvoisin
Corrections to the post La Fille Du Voisin was made.....The picture has become much clearer on certain topics as of late.
It's of interest to note that the reason for the mix up as to wheather Marie-Marguerite was her actual daughter or a step daughter, is that Catherine had a daughter named Marguerite also, from her previous husband Monsiour Grossos. She lived through the trials. Her 3 siblings died prior. The two boys Francious and Nicolas died the same year and their sister, Catherine died 1642, 3 years prior. Their mother had married and was using the Monvoisin name at the time of their deaths. One has to wonder as this was her peak time of her blood lust that if she didn't sacrifice her own children too.
It's of interest to note that the reason for the mix up as to wheather Marie-Marguerite was her actual daughter or a step daughter, is that Catherine had a daughter named Marguerite also, from her previous husband Monsiour Grossos. She lived through the trials. Her 3 siblings died prior. The two boys Francious and Nicolas died the same year and their sister, Catherine died 1642, 3 years prior. Their mother had married and was using the Monvoisin name at the time of their deaths. One has to wonder as this was her peak time of her blood lust that if she didn't sacrifice her own children too.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
La Morte du Eliza
I woke up from a dream with me and Anne Hathaway this morning I heard her say, "You don't have luck" and I woke up immediatley then.
I was in a rush to get going this morning and wasted too much time as usual and hurried to give out the bread treats to all my little ones. First the Ratties, then the Budgies, then the Teils , then on to the Gerbies and my mini Hammies and then down to Eliza....She was my Teddy Bear Hamster. She was dead as a door nail. I had to go so she had to stay in her cage til I got back to burry her.
What had happened? She died messing with a power she couldn't control. She still had the extention cord in her mouth, that she drug into the cage and wrapped it around her body, and chewed away happily til ZAP!
****This is not Eliza. I never got a picture of her, since I have a cheap digital camera and trying to get a picture a a small little life in motion doesn't work well. This a an Eliza clone from the web, but she was lighter and fatter.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Ooops It Happened Again!
Well, it happened again....It seems that the producer of The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus dropped dead Saturday on the Summer Solstice. This is not a very lucky project. First Heath Ledger croaks then William Vince dies.
Could it be because of this etching?
Could it be because of this etching?
It's of a very nefarious person in history and there seems to be a vague resemblance to Dr. Parnassus...Don't you think?
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
La Fille Du Voisin
When those who write of La Voisin, they pass over the step daughter, that is other than going over the declarations she made the day after they burned her mommy dearest alive at the stake. She described the horrors that went on right under Louis XIV's nose, that sent their perverted little lives reeling. Some think that she was telling on her La Voisin, but like her step mother, who ripped the veil on the bourgeoisie asunder, before they killed her, Marie was taking the masks off of the freaks of high society and the church, showing the world what they were for real, the same freaks that paid Catherine Deshayes to do abhorrent things for them...The same freaks that destroyed her to cover their sins.
Some of the stories go, that Marie-Marguerite Monvoisin was Catherine DeShayes daughter, through her marriage to Antoine Monvoisin. This is not true. Antoine had been married before and had two beautiful daughters, Marie-Marguerite and Marie-Madeleine. Madeleine had married and moved out just as Catherine moved in with her brood from a previous marriage. Marguerite the younger witnessed the horrors of monster her father married. She moved in on him like a buzzard on carrion, when her mother had died. Some say she either poisoned her directly or had her poisoned.
Some of the stories go, that Marie-Marguerite Monvoisin was Catherine DeShayes daughter, through her marriage to Antoine Monvoisin. This is not true. Antoine had been married before and had two beautiful daughters, Marie-Marguerite and Marie-Madeleine. Madeleine had married and moved out just as Catherine moved in with her brood from a previous marriage. Marguerite the younger witnessed the horrors of monster her father married. She moved in on him like a buzzard on carrion, when her mother had died. Some say she either poisoned her directly or had her poisoned.
Why? There are some powers that with degraded behaviors, as La Voisin took relish in acting out on, that one loses. She despite all her blood letting had not learned that for every innocent life she took, she lost more and more of her powers. Eventually become a fat disgusting parody of herself soaking in the blood of the babies lives she took.
But again...Why kill Antoine's wife? She was a witch with a power piece that she lusted after. She perceived the only way to get it was to get rid of her and marry him and she thought the way to the item would be free and clear. But not so. Marguerite's mother requested on her death bed that when Marguerite turned 13 that he give it too her and told her never to take it off...That it would protect her. And so he did, much to the consternation of Catherine...So she set off to poison him also....REPEATEDLY. But the family knew what she was doing and always gave him the antidote.
I always wondered if these two reincarnated. Who would they be?
There would be some major criteria to meet.
Catherine would be the one in the limelight...Very much the celebrity. She would gather cronies, like a dog gathers fleas, much like herself, yet inferior, power wise and morality wise, around her......Just like before. They have no interest in her other than what they can get from her.....She would take on the powers of 666.... in every lifetime. She would be deadly afraid of Fire, since she was burned at the stake.
Marie on the other hand would be fearless. After the trials were over, she was shipped off to an island off the coast of Brittany, Belle-Ile-en-Mer, on the Bay of Biscayne. This surprised her since Louis had promised her freedom. The truth was that he needed to know if she knew his secrets too, since she knew everything else, so she was sent off with 3 of her Mother's coven sisters, La Pellettier, La Poulain and La Delaporte. They died in prison...........Marie-Marguerite had been rescued from the situation by her older sister. And lived and loved a full rich life with 2 husbands and 7 kids. But because La Voisin coveted what was not hers and killed her family, she would have the powers of 666 as well. When someone does evil to an innocent, that person will gain that power too.
There would be some major criteria to meet.
Catherine would be the one in the limelight...Very much the celebrity. She would gather cronies, like a dog gathers fleas, much like herself, yet inferior, power wise and morality wise, around her......Just like before. They have no interest in her other than what they can get from her.....She would take on the powers of 666.... in every lifetime. She would be deadly afraid of Fire, since she was burned at the stake.
Marie on the other hand would be fearless. After the trials were over, she was shipped off to an island off the coast of Brittany, Belle-Ile-en-Mer, on the Bay of Biscayne. This surprised her since Louis had promised her freedom. The truth was that he needed to know if she knew his secrets too, since she knew everything else, so she was sent off with 3 of her Mother's coven sisters, La Pellettier, La Poulain and La Delaporte. They died in prison...........Marie-Marguerite had been rescued from the situation by her older sister. And lived and loved a full rich life with 2 husbands and 7 kids. But because La Voisin coveted what was not hers and killed her family, she would have the powers of 666 as well. When someone does evil to an innocent, that person will gain that power too.
If the two women came together and knew of their past.....Could they get along and make peace finally? Or would the same avarice that drove La Voisin to her death consume her in every lifetime. And the Shadow Queen would forever hide in the shadows of others.
James Garner & Dead Bunnies
A message to the girls on Julie Andrews Online:
James Garner had a stroke early in May. It was reported as minor. But no stroke is minor. Get A Clue....They kept him hospitalized for 3 weeks. If it wasn't serious they wouldn't keep him that long.
Speaking of strokes or better said seizures.....I had 3 bunnies. The first 2 were brothers, Xander and Xanadu. I woke up from a projective dream with Julie in it. I got up and found Xanadu in the bathroom having a seizure...He was dead an hour later. Xander was alone so I got him a friend Zachery. Zach looked alot like Xanadu, both were brown and white Dutch Bunnies. Last week I have another one of those dreams with Julie in it. There were also several other people who I didn't know in it. I wake up and Zach was having a seizure and he died an hour later. Just like Xanadu did.
Xander had died a few weeks earlier. He got a scratch on his ear and it poisoned his system I guess and he left this earth...Without Julie's help.
James Garner had a stroke early in May. It was reported as minor. But no stroke is minor. Get A Clue....They kept him hospitalized for 3 weeks. If it wasn't serious they wouldn't keep him that long.
Speaking of strokes or better said seizures.....I had 3 bunnies. The first 2 were brothers, Xander and Xanadu. I woke up from a projective dream with Julie in it. I got up and found Xanadu in the bathroom having a seizure...He was dead an hour later. Xander was alone so I got him a friend Zachery. Zach looked alot like Xanadu, both were brown and white Dutch Bunnies. Last week I have another one of those dreams with Julie in it. There were also several other people who I didn't know in it. I wake up and Zach was having a seizure and he died an hour later. Just like Xanadu did.
Xander had died a few weeks earlier. He got a scratch on his ear and it poisoned his system I guess and he left this earth...Without Julie's help.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Tiffany's Breakfast---of Souls
It seems that the actor, Mel Ferrer, dropped dead yesterday. There's alot of that going around lately.
Mel was married to Audrey Hepburn when she did Blake Edwards'--Breakfast At Tiffany's.
They say that the soul of a bird ferries the damned to hell. Since little Tiffany's eyes were barely open, it seems that her aim is a bit off for the one who should be going to hell.
Interesting sideline to this descendant. He played King Aurthur in The Knight of The Round Table in 1953. The same year he was in the movie Lili. This one movie was responsible for a 10 year old to reenact her death in 1951. What caused it? Her husband had appeared in it also, wear the ID bracelet she gave him on their wedding day.....Who was I you ask?.........None of your F'n business?
Mel was married to Audrey Hepburn when she did Blake Edwards'--Breakfast At Tiffany's.
They say that the soul of a bird ferries the damned to hell. Since little Tiffany's eyes were barely open, it seems that her aim is a bit off for the one who should be going to hell.
Interesting sideline to this descendant. He played King Aurthur in The Knight of The Round Table in 1953. The same year he was in the movie Lili. This one movie was responsible for a 10 year old to reenact her death in 1951. What caused it? Her husband had appeared in it also, wear the ID bracelet she gave him on their wedding day.....Who was I you ask?.........None of your F'n business?
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Got Burned?
Wow! Today was a busy day.
June 1 2008

Universal Studios goes up in flames.
Yves Saint Laurant drops dead in Paris as the studio burns.
And the tie ins from Hell are....Universal Studios was my old studio when I lived a lifetime as Maria Montez. Today is what I call My Birthday Minus Zero. In this lifetime.....I wonder how close the fire was to the Pool of Midnight?
Yves link to Hell was that he was costume designer on both, the first Pink Panther movie and another one...Notre Dame de Paris....This is where La Voisin was drug to confess to a priest her sins to God, before humanity burned her at the stake. She did not confess but cursed God and all concerned.
A few other Hellish contenders from last month was as follows:
Thursday May 15th--Bob Florence and Alexander Courage both orchestrator for Julie Andrews.
Thursday May 22--I think we are missing someone here. Will update when information becomes available..I can't imagine that this date was skipped even if there were two for the prior Thursday.
Thursday May 29th--Harvey Korman croaks...he was in 2 of Blake Edwards' Pink Panther movies...How 'bout that!
Now why is Thurday so important for the not so merry month of May???...Cause a sweet bird baby, named Tiffany, died violently on a Thursday May 8th.
June 1 2008
Universal Studios goes up in flames.
Yves Saint Laurant drops dead in Paris as the studio burns.
And the tie ins from Hell are....Universal Studios was my old studio when I lived a lifetime as Maria Montez. Today is what I call My Birthday Minus Zero. In this lifetime.....I wonder how close the fire was to the Pool of Midnight?
Yves link to Hell was that he was costume designer on both, the first Pink Panther movie and another one...Notre Dame de Paris....This is where La Voisin was drug to confess to a priest her sins to God, before humanity burned her at the stake. She did not confess but cursed God and all concerned.
A few other Hellish contenders from last month was as follows:
Thursday May 15th--Bob Florence and Alexander Courage both orchestrator for Julie Andrews.
Thursday May 22--I think we are missing someone here. Will update when information becomes available..I can't imagine that this date was skipped even if there were two for the prior Thursday.
Thursday May 29th--Harvey Korman croaks...he was in 2 of Blake Edwards' Pink Panther movies...How 'bout that!
Now why is Thurday so important for the not so merry month of May???...Cause a sweet bird baby, named Tiffany, died violently on a Thursday May 8th.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Some Switcheroos Aren't Kosher
If Rachel didn't want to do the third movie....fine. Then have an excuse that Evie was on a dig elsewhere and have Maria Bello as her long lost sister. No love interest or anything, to make O'Connell look like a creep. If a 4th movie comes about, you can use either women's characters. That way there is no built in resentment, among the fans and loss of revenue by just using a different actress in the role of Evie.
Hollywood people have no thought or originality or they would have thought of this. Replacing Evie with no thought as to the repercussions is stupid and arrogant on their part. Especially since the Evie/Nefertiri character was filled out and made much more dimensional.
I mean why didn't they replace Brendan Fraser too...I heard the guy who did Borat was available.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Was Mickey Really A Rat?
I guess especially at the time, a rat couldn't be a good guy.
I have nothing against rats at all. In fact I have 6 sweet little rat gals. I got them a while back. I call them my Parisian Rat Pack. It's funny, as I was accumulating them over a weeks time, I left on a picture of Frankie's Rat pack on my computer and went out. It was when I got my last two girls and a hotel in Vegas caught fire a bit. I think it was called the Monte Carlo. No one was hurt. It's near the Bellagio where a certain old rancid couple spent one of their wedding anniversaries. Rumor had it that they were seen yelling at each other down the hall as they went back to their room in the middle of the night after the party...Gawd where is the paparazzi when you need them!
Something else happened each time I bought a rat, but I'm not putting what happened here. It's in the secret section to the La Voisin Forum...Oh well too bad you'll never know....Someone had told La Voisin to let the Rats be your friends...And guess what? It works!
Is There An Antichrist Conspiracy?
Besides the mark of the beast, 666, cannot be artificially placed in or on someone. It has no power. It must naturally occur. It would be like tattooing a....say a picture of a weasel on someone. Does that make one a weasel??? NO! So neither does placing 666 on someone's body make them anything but a ninny.
The Nephilium didn't die, They couldn't, they were forced into cycles of reincarnation, since their spirits were immortal. Just as the bible said they were the kings and giants of old and continued on as such millenniums after millenniums..Bound to this earth, the mark resides in them. There is no use in humans having this mark. The tales spread by Christians were done to scare everyone into submission...You know the Big Bad Boogie Beast crap.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
What The Hell Is Wrong With Old People!?!?!
In the not so distant past, it used to be that old people were venerated because of their wisdom and life experience.....Ah but that is a thing of the past! Thanks to the pharmaceutical companies. Your average old person had pounds of pills to take daily cause of their maladies, real and imagined. Many of them are narcotics. Our little old junkies are supplied by their drug pushing doctors, who in turn are given kick backs from those companies to get their customers hooked..........And as such bleed the government via Medicare & Medicaid.
Now you know why those old people are so vague and wobble alot......Cause they are stoned!
One could wonder if there really is such a thing as Alzheimer's. Could it be that the effect on people who ingest so much prescription drugs is brain cell destruction? It's not impossible. It happens with the illegial drugs. Why not perscription drugs? But Eli-Lily won't ever admit it...They will just invent another pill to combat the effects, which will give them yet another bonus and vacation to Bora-Bora................All on granny's rotting brain.
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